USP11 interacts with NONO. A, Flag‐USP11 plasmid and Myc‐NONO plasmid were introduced into HEK293. Antibodies against Flag or Myc, an isotype‐matched normal IgG immuno‐precipitated total cell lysates, then the indicated bands were checked in the precipitations. B, SK‐Mel‐28 cell, (C) A375 cell lysates were immuno‐precipitated with control IgG, anti‐USP11/anti‐NONO antibody. The indicated proteins were checked in the precipitations. To detect the IPed protein, the prey proteins’ bands were visualized in long exposure. D, Myc‐NONO was expressed in HEK293 cell, GST and GST‐USP11 purified from E.coli were incubated with equal Myc‐NONO, and then loaded onto GST‐tag Purification Resin, Myc‐NONO in the elution was analysed. E, The subcellular localization of USP11 (green) and NONO (red) in A375 was visualized. DNA was counterstained with DAPI, and the views of USP11 and NONO were merged