Fig. 3. Uncertainty regarding access to oxygen therapy.
a A cost-effectiveness acceptability curve constructed to quantify and graphically represent uncertainty in the economic evaluation. The x-axis represents ʎ, the cost-effectiveness threshold, while the y-axis reflects the estimated probability of dexamethasone being cost-effective. We highlighted the probability of dexamethasone being cost effective at the ICER threshold value corresponding to the upper end of the 90% confidence interval for the ICER obtained in the sensitivity analysis. The shaded areas are defined by the ICER threshold values corresponding to the mean and 90% confidence intervals obtained in the probabilistic sensitivity analysis: red, < 5% of the distribution area; orange, 5 –50%; green, 50–95%; blue, 95–100%. b Sensitivity of the evaluation of dexamethasone’s cost effectiveness to assumptions in access to oxygen therapy and efficacy of dexamethasone on people that do not receive oxygen. Boxplots were drawn to represent the distribution of 1 million predicted incremental cost per life-years gained values for each combination of dexamethasone efficacy when not receiving oxygen and the probability of receiving oxygen treatment if required. The middle line is the median, the lower and upper hinges correspond to the first and third quartiles, and the whiskers extend to the 5th and 95th percentiles.