Table 2.
Low-prevalence infective agents in initial rounds of mixed-tissue sample screening in farmed Atlantic salmon.
Organism | Organism type | Test code | Status | Freshwater | Saltwater | ||
Tests‡ | Prevalence | Tests‡ | Prevalence | ||||
Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus | Virus | IPNV | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Infectious salmon anemia virus | Virus | ISAV-7 | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Infectious salmon anemia virus | Virus | ISAV-8 | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Oncorhynchus masou herpes virus | Virus | OMV | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Piscine myocarditis virus | Virus | PMCV | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Salmon alphavirus | Virus | SAV | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Aeromonas hydrophila | Bacterium | Ae_hyd | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Moritella viscosa | Bacterium | Mo_vis | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0.0096 |
Spironucleus salmonicida | Flagellate | Sp_sal | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Gyrodactylus salaris | Fluke | Gy_sal | Known | 0 | – | 933 | 0 |
Nucleospora salmonis | Microsporidian | Nu_sal | Known | 0 | – | 931 | 0.0150 |
‡successful tests only (i.e. those without evidence of control cross contamination, poor amplification curves, or low housekeeping gene signals).