Figure 3.
Isolation and characterization of primate urinary cells. (a) Workflow of cell isolation from primate urine samples. NC Normocure, REMC renal epithelial mesenchymal cell medium. (b) Primary cells obtained from human, gorilla and orangutan samples are morphologically indistinguishable and display similar EmGFP transduction levels. Scale bars represent 400 μm. (c) The package SingleR was used to correlate the expression profiles from six samples of primate urinary cells (passage 1–3) to a reference set of 38 human cell types. Normalized scores of the eight cell types with the highest correlations are shown (MSC mesenchymal stem cells, SM smooth muscle, Epi epithelial, Endo endothelial). Color bar indicates normalized correlation score. (d) Principal component analysis of primary cells from single colony lysates using the 500 most variable genes. (e) Heatmap of normalized SingleR scores show that cluster C is classified as epithelial cell originating from the bladder. The scores for MSCs in Cluster A and B are similarly high, although cluster B also shows higher scores for epithelial cells than cluster A. See also Supplementary Figure S5.