Table 2.
Summary of retinal arterial vascular function parameters.
Normal Average |
ACC/AHA Normal < 120& < 80 |
ESC/ESH Normal SBP:120–129 DBP:80–84 |
ANOVA/ANCOA p value |
ACC/AHA Elevated SBP:120–129 DBP: < 80 |
ESC/ESH High Normal SBP:130–139 DBP:85–89 |
ANOVA/ANOVA p value |
ACC/AHA Stage I SBP:130–139 DBP:80–89 |
ESC/ESH Grade I SBP:140–159 DBP:90–99 |
ANOVA/ANCOVA p value |
Artery baseline 99.99 (0.002) | 99.98 (0.12) | 99.88 (0.77) | 0.1979 | 99.83 (0.95) | 99.97 (0.92) | 0.4346 | 99.99 (0.62) | 97.93 (0.27) | 0.0002* |
Artery-BDF 5.66 (2.63) |
5.64 (2.650) | 6.14 (3.46) | 0.3461 | 6.28 (2.87) | 5.83 (2.74) | 0.5250 | 5.98 (3.42) | 5.02 (2.41) | 0.0179* |
Artery-MD 103.67 (2.20) |
103.57 (2.20) | 104.07 (2.24) | 0.2000 | 104.44 (2.2) | 104.19 (2.74) | 0.5780 | 104.14 (2.43) | 102.75 (4.26) | 0.0409* |
Artery-tMD 22.14 (10.09) |
21.88 (9.63) | 20.87 (6.27) | 0.5047 | 20.84 (5.83) | 20.27 (6.44) | 0.7120 | 19.86 (6.74) | 20.10 (7.11) | 0.9493 |
Artery-MDp 3.67 (2.21) |
3.59 (2.20) | 4.20 (2.53) | 0.1400 | 4.64 (2.63) | 4.48 (2.75) | 0.7901 | 4.15 (2.44) | 4.01 (2.55) | 0.1020 |
Artery-MC 97.51 (1.89) |
97.73 (0.19) | 97.64 (0.25) | 0.7691 | 97.83 (1.82) | 97.53 (2.15) | 0.5410 | 97.58 (1.80) | 96.08 (4.97) | 0.0329* |
Artery-tMC 27.05 (8.31) |
27.47 (7.36) | 27.88 (6.98) | 0.7455 | 28.09 (6.60) | 28.05 (6.44) | 0.9810 | 27.49 (6.70) | 28.85 (7.96) | 0.3641 |
Artery-MCp − 2.49 (1.89) |
− 2.22 (1.84) | − 2.056 (1.87) | 0.6124 | − 1.99 (1.95) | − 2.14 (2.14) | 0.3810 | − 2.41 (1.80) | − 1.94 (1.72) | 0.2002 |
Artery-DA 6.16 (2.95) |
5.77 (2.87) | 6.17 (2.96) | 0.5191 | 6.61 (2.95) | 7.30 (3.63) | 0.4310 | 6.57 (3.02) | 6.71 (2.91) | 0.8096 |
Artery-BCFR 0.56 (2.73) |
0.30 (2.57) | 0.26 (2.97) | 0.9244 | 0.43 (2.74) | 0.44 (3.02) | 0.1681 | 0.67 (3.07) | 0.89 (3.12) | 0.7326 |
Artery-SlopeAD 0.21 (0.13) |
0.21 (0.16) | 0.25 (0.15) | 0.1347 | 0.27 (0.16) | 0.26 (0.32) | 0.1902 | 0.28 (0.20) | 0.35 (0.30) | 0.2335 |
Artery-SlopeAC − 0.36 (0.30) |
− 0.36 (0.45) | − 0.30 (0.22) | 0.3600 | − 0.31 (0.22) | − 0.32 (0.18) | 0.9603 | − 0.29 (0.20) | − 0.27 (0.51) | 0.2826 |
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; Baseline, baseline diameter; BDF, baseline diameter fluctuation; BCFR, Baseline corrected flicker response; tMD, time to reach MD; MDp, percent dilation; tMC, time to reach MC; MC (%), percent constriction; DA, dilation amplitude (difference between MD and MC during flicker) SlopeAD, slope of arterial dilation; SlopeAC, slope of arterial constriction. *Significant p values are indicated where p < 0.05 was considered significant.