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. 2020 Oct 8;79(3):315–330. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuaa064

Table 2.

Study characteristics of included studies, muscle mass measurements, and the effect of the intervention group compared with the control group

Author (year) Population Intervention group
Control group
Muscle mass
Type No.a Age (years) ± SD Female, No. (%) No.a Age (years) ± SD Female, No. (%) Method Measure Unit MDb P
Dal Negro et al (2010)30 Outpatients with COPD and sarcopenia AAs 16 75 ± 7 2 (12.5) 16 75 ± 7 5 (31.3) BIA LMBI kg/m2 1.360 0.09
Dal Negro et al (2012)31 Outpatients with COPD AAs 44 75 ± 5 12 (27.3) 44 73 ± 8 15 (34.1) BIA LMBI kg/m2 1.360 0.1
Leenders et al (2011)32 Community-dwelling with T2D AAs 29 71 ±1 0 28 71 ± 1 0 DXA LM kg 0.100 NS
Malaguarnera et al (2007)33 Community-dwelling, centenarians AAs 32 101 ± 1.3 22 (68.8) 34 101 ± 1.4 23 (67.6) BIA FFM kg 3.000 < 0.01
Verhoeven et al (2009)34 Community-dwelling, healthy AAs 15 71 ± 4c,d 0 14 71 ± 4c,d 0 DXA LM kg 0.000 NS
Gotshalk et al. (2002)35 Community-dwelling, healthy CR 10 65.4 ± 1.5 0 8 65.7 ± 2.0 0 Hydrodensitometry FFM kg 2.220 < 0.05
Marinari et al (2013)36 Community-dwelling patients with COPD with CRF CR 30 73.2 ± 8.7 NA 25 73.9 ± 7.7 NA BIA FFMI kg/m2 4.300 < 0.001
Rawson et al (1999)37 Community-dwelling, healthy CR 10 66.7 ± 1.9e 0 10 66.9 ± 2.2e 0 Hydrodensitometry FFM kg 0.500 NS
Baier et al(2009)38 Community-dwelling and institutionalized HMB 40 75.4 ± 1.54 19 (47.5) 37 76.2 ± 1.6 20 (54.0) DXA LM kg 0.380 0.05
Deutz et al(2013)39 Community-dwelling, healthy HMB 10 67.4 ± 1.4 8 (72.7) 8 67.1 ± 1.7 7 (87.5) DXA LM kg 1.870 0.02
Flakoll et al(2004)40 Community-dwelling and institutionalized HMB 27 77.7 ± 1.5 27 (100) 23 75.7 ± 1.6 23 (100) BIA FFM kg 0.700 0.08
Aleman-Mateo et al (2012)41 Community-dwelling, healthy with sarcopenia Protein 20 75.4 ± 5.0 12 (60) 20 76.7 ± 5.8 11 (55) DXA ALM kg 0.100 0.54
Aleman-Mateo et al (2014)42 Community-dwelling, healthy Protein 50 70.8 ± 7.6 25 (50) 50 69.6 ± 6.4 25 (50) DXA ALM kg –0.200 0.009
Bos et al(2000)43 Hospitalized malnourished patients Protein 17 80 ± 7 10 (58.8) 6 76 ± 6 3 (50) DXA ALM kg 0.500 NS
Flodin et al(2015)44 Hospitalized patients with hip fracture Protein 26 81 ± 8 19 (73) 28 80 ± 9 18 (64) DXA ALM kg –0.380 NS
Ha et al(2010)f,45 Hospitalized patients with acute stroke at nutritional risk Protein 58 78.5 ± 7.4 33 (57) 66 79.7 ± 6.8 31 (47) BIS LTM kg 0.099 NS
Kerstetter et al (2015)46 Community-dwelling Protein 106 69.9 ± 6.1 89 (84.0) 102 70.5 ± 6.4 89 (87.3) DXA LM kg 0.500 NS
Lauque et al(2004)47 Hospitalized patients with AD, at risk of malnutrition Protein 37 79.5 ± 6.0 NA 43 78.1 ± 4.8 NA DXA AFFM kg 0.030 NS
Tieland et al (2012)48 Community-dwelling with prefrailty or frailty Protein 34 78 ± 1 20 (58.8) 31 81 ± 1 16 (51.6) DXA LM kg 0.100 NS
Zhu et al(2015)49 Community-dwelling, healthy, postmenopausal Protein 93 74.2 ± 2.8 93 (100) 88 74.3 ± 2.6 88 (100) DXA ALM kg –0.060 NS
Protein with AAs
Bauer et al(2015)50 Community-dwelling with sarcopenia Protein + AAs 184 77.3 ± 6.7 120 (65.2) 196 78.1 ± 7.0 129 (65.8) DXA ALM kg 0.170 0.045
Bonnefoy et al (2010)51 Hospitalized acute patients with malnutrition and catabolic state Protein + AAs 15 82.5 ± 8.2 9 (61.5) 15 79.4 ± 6.7 9 (57.1) Deuterium dilution FFM kg –0.700 NS
Chanet et al(2017)52 Community-dwelling, healthy Protein + AAs 12 70.3 ± 4.3 0 12 70.8 ± 3.5 0 DXA ALM kg 0.370 0.035
Kemmler et al (2017)53 Community-dwelling with sarcopenic obesity Protein + AAs 33 78.1±5.1 0 34 76.9 ± 5.1 0 BIA SMI kg/m2 0.016 0.009
Protein and other
Bell et al(2017)54 Community-dwelling, healthy Protein + other 25 71 ± 1 0 24 74 ± 1 0 DXA tLM kg 0.100 < 0.05
Cramer et al(2016)55 Community-dwelling with sarcopenia and malnutrition Protein + other 101 Median, 77 (IQR, 71–81) 63 (62) 83 Median, 77 (IQR, 71–81) 51 (62) DXA legMM kg 0.140 NS
Krzyminska-Siemaszko et al (2015)56 Community-dwelling at risk of or with low muscle mass PUFAs 30 75.0 ± 8.23 19 (63) 20 74.9 ± 7.49 14 (70) BIA SMM kg 0.020 0.99
Logan et al(2015)57 Community-dwelling, healthy PUFAs 12 66 ±1a 12 (100) 12 66 ± 1a 12 (100) BIA LM kg 1.200 NS
Smith et al(2015)58 Community-dwelling, healthy PUFAs 29 68 ± 5 19 (66) 15 69 ± 7 10 (67) MRI TMV cm3 3.600 < 0.05

Sample sizes are presented after participant drop out, as the sample used in analysis.


Mean difference defined as the mean change of muscle mass in the intervention group minus the mean change of muscle mass in the control group.


Age was only presented for the total sample and not reported for the intervention and control groups separately.


Presented as mean with SEM.


Presented as mean with SE. Age in years is presented as mean ± SD unless indicated otherwise.


Male and female subgroups were pooled and a mean change value for both groups was obtained. Sample sizes for each group were combined.

Abbreviations : AA, amino acid; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; AFFM, appendicular fat-free mass; ALM, appendicular lean mass; BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis; BIS, bioimpedance spectroscopy; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CR, creatine; CRF, chronic respiratory failure; CV, cardiovascular; DXA, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; FFM, fat-free mass; FFMI, fat-free mass index; HMB, β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate; IQR, interquartile range; legMM, leg muscle mass; LM, lean mass; LMBI, lean body mass index; LTM, lean tissue mass; MD, mean differences; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not available; NS, not significant; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SMI, skeletal mass index; SMM, skeletal muscle mass; tLM, trunk lean mass; TMV, thigh muscle volume; T2D, type II diabetes.