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. 2021 Jan 28;27:1548. doi: 10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v27i0.1548


Bivariate analysis of socio-demographic and clinic characteristics of the study participants.

Variable SCQ score ≤ 15 N = 175
SCQ score > 15 N = 143
n % n %
Sex of child
Male 96 54.9 89 62.2 0.185
Female 79 45.1 54 37.8
Primary caregiver
Both parents 133 76.0 96 67.1 0.212
Mother 8 4.5 5 3.5
Father 28 16.0 33 23.1
Other§ 6 3.5 9 6.3
School attendance
Yes 110 63.5 15 10.5 < 0.001
No 65 36.5 128 89.5
Family history of mental illness
Yes 25 14.3 18 12.6 0.660
No 150 85.7 125 87.4
Neurological condition
Cerebral palsy 16 9.1 94 65.7 < 0.001
Epilepsy 144 82.3 38 26.6
Other 15 8.6 11 7.7
Ability to speak
Yes 157 89.7 31 78.3 < 0.001
No 18 10.3 112 78.3
History of delayed milestones
Yes 65 37.1 117 81.8 < 0.001
No 110 62.9 26 18.2

SCQ, Social Communication Questionnaire.

, Non-significant ASD symptoms.

, Significant ASD symptoms.


, Aunt, grandmother, foster parents.

, Erb’s palsy, Global Developmental Disorder, Myasthenia Gravis, Sickle cell disease, stroke.