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. 2021 Feb 9;45(1):56–64. doi: 10.3906/biy-2009-6

Table .

Table. Antibodies used in the study.

Protein Name Brand/ Dilution
Cyclin E1 CST/20808S 1:1000
γH2AX Bethyl/a300-081a 1:2000
p-ATM (s1981) R&D/af1655 1:1000
ATM CST/2873T 1:1000
p-p53 (ser15) CST/9284T 1:1000
GAPDH CST/2118S 1:5000
Lamin B1 Proteintech/66095-1-Ig 1:3000
Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) Abcam/ab97051 1:5000
Anti-Mouse IgG H&L (HRP) Abcam/ab97023 1:5000