Figure 5. Lactate overflow is largely decoupled from growth rate across metabolic environments in PC9 cells.
(A) Schematic of the experimental approach.
(B) Example data highlighting the analytical approach to quantify the lactate secretion rate. Left: cell number time courses. Black, reference condition (glucose). Green, fructose. Right: corresponding produced lactate.
(C) Search for an empirical growth relationship for the lactate secretion rate. Left: ΔAIC (compared with zero polynomial order) as a function of polynomial order. Red circle, polynomial order with minimal ΔAIC (= best fit). Right: lactate secretion rate as a function of growth rate relative to the reference condition (all nutrients present at a concentration corresponding to standard RPMI 1640 media) across metabolic environments in PC9 cells. Red line, best fit. Error bars denote standard deviation (n = 3).