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. 2021 Feb 11;10:e63379. doi: 10.7554/eLife.63379

Figure 2. Whole brain distribution of MBON postsynaptic connections overlap.

(A) Example of presynaptic MBON γ5β′2a (SS01308) and postsynaptic trans-Tango signal in a registered brain. For max-stacks: green, presynaptic MBONs, magenta, postsynaptic trans-Tango signal. (B) Example of segmented trans-tango signals that was continuous to MBON γ5β′2a terminals. For max-stack: gray, postsynaptic trans-Tango signal. (C) Heatmap displaying the overlap in segmented MBON postsynaptic signal by brain region. Postsynaptic signal for each MBON was normalized within each brain to capture respective expression levels. SS01308 was used to target MBON γ5β′2a, MB399B was used to target MBON β2β′2a, MB002B was used to target MBONs γ5β′2a, β′2mp, SS01143 was used to target MBON β′2mp, MB011B was used to target MBONs γ5β′2a, β′2mp, β′2mp_bi, MB057B was used to target MBON β′1, and MB110C was used to target MBONs γ3, γ3β′1. MB433B was used to target MBONs β1>α, γ4>γ1γ2, MB298B was used to target MBON γ4>γ1γ2, MB077C was used to target MBON γ2α′1 and MB50B was used to target MBONs α′1, α2sc. MB018B was used to target MBON α′2, MB027B was used to target MBON α′3ap, α′3 m, and SS01194 was used to target MBON α2sc. For raw postsynaptic signal see Figure 2—figure supplement 1. (D) Schematic of fly brain highlighting the most anterior brain regions included in mask analysis starting at AL and ending with SLP. (E) Schematic of fly brain highlighting the most posterior brain regions included in mask analysis starting at NO and ending with PB. AL: antennal lobe, AMMC: antennal mechanosensory and motor center, ATL: antler, AVLP: anterior ventrolateral protocerebrum, CRE: crepine, EB: ellipsoid body, EPA: epaulette, FSB: fan-shaped body, FLA: flange, GA: shoulder of lateral accessory lobe, GOR: gorget of ventral complex, IB: interior bridge, ICL: inferior clamp, IPS: inferior posterior slope, IVLP: inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum, LAL: lateral accessory lobe, LB: bulb of lateral complex, LH: lateral horn, MB: mushroom body, NO: noduli, OTU: optic tubercle, PB: protocerebral bridge, PLP: posterior lateral protocerebrum, PRW: prow, PVLP: posterior ventrolateral protocerebrum, SAD: saddle, SCL: superior clamp, SEG: subesophageal ganglion, SIP: superior intermediate protocerebrum, SLP: superior lateral protocerebrum, SMP: superior medial protocerebrum, SPS: superior posterior plate, VES: vest of ventral complex, WED: wedge. Scale bar = 50 μm.

Figure 2.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Whole brain distribution of MBON postsynaptic connections.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

Heatmap displaying the unscaled overlap in signal of segmented MBON postsynaptic signal by brain region.