Table 4.
Criteria used for the clinical evaluations of the restorations (adapted version of modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria)
Category | Score* | Criteria |
1. Photograph—adaptation restoration | 0 | Restorations contour is continuous with existing anatomical form and margins of the restoration |
1 | Restoration is slightly under of over contoured | |
2 | Marginal overhang or tooth structure (dentin or enamel) is exposed | |
3 | Restoration is missing, traumatic occlusion or restoration cause pain in tooth or adjacent tissue | |
2. Photograph—caries | 0 | No visible caries |
1 | Caries contiguous with the margin of the restoration | |
3. Photograph—marginal adaptation | 0 | Excellent continuity at resin—enamel interface; no ledge formation, no discoloration |
1 | Slight discoloration at resin—enamel interface; ledge at interface | |
2 | Moderate discoloration at resin—enamel interface measuring 1 mm or greater | |
3 | Recurrent decay at margin | |
4. Photograph—polishability | 0 | Smooth and highly shiny, similar to enamel |
1 | Smooth and satin, highly reflective | |
2 | Rough and shiny, satin, somewhat reflective | |
3 | Rough and dull or satin, not reflective | |
5. Photograph—surface staining | 0 | Absent |
1 | Present | |
6. Photograph—contact points | 0 | Present |
1 | Absent | |
7. Photograph—fracture of restoration | 0 | No fracture of the restoration |
1 | Small lines of the restoration | |
2 | Small chippings (1/4 of restoration) | |
3 | Moderate chippings (1/2 of restoration) | |
4 | Severe chippings (3/4 of restoration) | |
5 | Loose of the restoration | |
8. Photograph—wear restoration | 0 | No wear |
1 | Wear | |
9. Radiopgraph—adaptation restoration | 0 | Restorations contour is continuous with existing anatomical form and margins |
1 | Restoration is slightly under of over contoured | |
2 | Marginal overhang or tooth structure (dentin or enamel) is exposed | |
3 | Restoration is missing, traumatic occlusion or restoration cause pain in tooth or adjacent tissue | |
10. Radiopgraph—caries | 0 | No visible caries |
1 | Caries contiguous with the margin of the restoration | |
11. Radiopgraph—marginal adaptation | 0 | Excellent continuity at resin—enamel interface; no ledge formation, no discoloration |
1 | Slight discoloration at resin—enamel interface; ledge at interface | |
2 | Moderate discoloration at resin—enamel interface measuring 1 mm or greater | |
3 | Recurrent decay at margin |
*Scores 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 can also be read as Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, Echo and Foxtrot