Figure 3. Late treatment with anti-PD-1 is effective when administered in combination with chemotherapy.
(A) Experimental scheme for late treatment.
(B-C) Gross images (B) and tumor area measured (C) from GAS-KO mice in indicated treatment groups (n = 12-17/group). Dotted lines indicate tumor area. One-way ANOVA (C).
(D) H&E stains of GAS-KO tumors in different treatment groups. Dashed boxes indicate magnified areas shown at the bottom.
(E-G) Immunostaining for cleaved caspase-3 (E), Ki-67 (F) and β-catenin (G) on treated GAS-KO tumors and quantification (n = 3/group). Arrowheads indicate nuclear β-catenin (G). Student’s t-test.
Scale bars, 5 mm (B); 100 μm (D-G). Mean ± SEM. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001.