Figure 6. PD-L1-overexpressing myeloid cells facilitate gastric tumorigenesis.
(A-B) Gross images (A) and tumor area measured (B) from R26-PD-L1 and LysM-Cre; R26-PD-L1 mice at 36 weeks post-MNU +/− Hf (n = 5-12/group). Dotted lines indicate tumor area. Scale bars, 5 mm (A).
(C-D) The percentage of tumor-infiltrating MDSCs and T cells (n = 4-9/group).
(E-F) The percentage of Ki-67+ (E), effector cytokine-positive cells (F) in CD8+ T cells isolated from MNU-induced R26-PD-L1 and LysM-Cre; R26-PD-L1 tumors (n = 3/group).
Mean ± SEM. one-way ANOVA (B); Student’s t-test (C-F). *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; n.s., not significant.