A) ATAC-seq was performed in duplicate on KHYG1 cells
treated with either vehicle or BAY-299. Aggregated reads within 1kb on either
side of center for up (blue) and down (green) differentially accessible
chromatin sites for the two replicates for DMSO (top) and BAY-299 (bottom)
treated cells are shown here. B) The transcription factors (TF)
associated with the most strongly altered up (right red) and down (left blue)
peaks are shown here. The Y axis represents rank of the transcription factor
from 1 (highest rank at top) to 30 (lowest rank at bottom) for number of
overlapping sites, and the X axis represents the overlap score increasing from
left to right for up peaks and right to left for down peaks. Highest ranking TFs
are on the top left for down peaks and top right for up peaks. C)
Chromatin peaks surrounding and within the EMB (top) and
CDK9 (bottom) genomic locus for DMSO treated KHYG1 cells
(top in each panel) and BAY-299 treated KHYG1 cells (bottom in each panel). The
taller the peak the more open the chromatin. The scale for peak size is on the
y-axis and the x axis represents location in the genome. D) KHYG1
cells treated with DMSO vehicle or BAY-299 (299) were plated either alone or in
co-culture with OVCAR8 (OV8) tumor cells, and the media was subsequently tested
for IFNγ presence by ELISA. Bar graphs for the ELISA for KHYG1 cells
alone is shown on the left and for the co-cultures on the right. The error bars
represent the standard deviation between three replicates of the experiment
*=p<0.05 using a paired t-test. E) KHYG1 cells treated with
vehicle DMSO or BAY-299 (299) were plated either alone or in co-culture with
OVCAR8 (OV8) tumor cells, and the cultures were analyzed by flow cytometry for
NK cell CD107A expression (left), IFNγ expression (middle), and
IFNγ/Ki67co-expression (right). Error bars represent standard deviation
between 3–4 replicates. *=p<0.05 using a paired t-test.
F) KHYG1 cells treated with DMSO vehicle or BAY-299 (299) were
plated in co-culture with OVCAR8 (OV8) tumor cells, and six hours later the
OVCAR8 cells were analyzed for apoptotic death. The percentage of non-viable
apoptotic cells (Apotracker+ Dead Cells) from three separate experiments is
shown here for each group with error bars representing standard deviation.
*=p<0.05 using a paired t-test. G) A schematic of the
in vivo experiment is shown in the top panel. In the bottom
panel, gross images of the tumor burden in vehicle and BAY-299 treated mice are
shown with white arrows pointing to solid tumor deposits on the peritoneum and
bowel. The animals shown are representative of the most common tumor burden
levels in each group. H) Grossly visible solid tumors were
dissected from each mouse in each group, and a photo of tumor volume is shown in
the top panel. Solid tumors from each animal were placed in a well of a six well
plate for visual volume scoring. A three represents high tumor burden, a two
medium tumor burden, a one limited tumor burden, and a zero no tumor burden.
Numbers are placed in representative 3, 2, 1, and 0 wells, and an X is placed in
empty wells. In the bottom panel, the tumor volume scores are shown for all ten
animals per group in a bar graph with error bars representing standard error of
the mean (SEM). I) Ascites was aspirated from each animal and the
volume measured. The top panel represents a bar graph of the ascites volumes for
all animals in each group with the error bars representing SEM. The bottom panel
shows the individual animal ascites volumes with the numeric tumor volume score
for each animal over the volume bar. Black and blue lines mark the vehicle (V)
and treatment (T) groups most common volume and tumor burdens. J)
Solid tumors were harvested from each animal in both the vehicle and treatment
groups. For each treatment group, the tumors for 3–4 animals were
combined. There were only enough cells from two combined groups each for vehicle
and BAY-299 to perform flow analysis. The single cell suspensions of the solid
tumors were analyzed for T and NK composition which is shown here. Each color
represents a cell type and each bar represents a group. The color code is at the
top left. K) PD-1 expression was analyzed in both solid tumor
treatment groups on NK-1.1+ NK cells (top left), NKp46+ NK cells (top right),
and CD8 T cells (bottom), and the percent of PD-1+ T or NK cells for each
treatment group is shown here as a percentage of CD45+ cells. Error bars
represent standard deviation. *=p<0.05 generated using an unpaired
t-test, NS=not significant with an unpaired t-test.