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. 2020 Nov 17;28(2):1283–1296. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.11.039

Table 5.

Rice growth, yield and yield components under organic and inorganic N fertilizer application.

PH (cm) (hill−1) (cm) (panicle-1) (%) (g) (kg ha−1)
Early season 90c 20.9d 78.7c 18.4d 2942c
T1 7.2c 129.2d
T2 105b 10.1a 25.2ab 143.9a 84.5b 24.2a 5038a
T3 103ab 9.0b 23.8bc 139.3b 85.3a 23.3bc 4276b
T4 106a 10.2a 25.7a 144.4a 85.9a 23.8ab 5572a
T5 104ab 9.6b 23.2c 140.7b 85.6b 22.8b 4050b
T6 105a 10.5a 26.0a 144.0a 85.5a 24.1a 5583a
Late season 94c 21.0d 77.5c 18.3d 2855d
T1 6.5c 130.2d
T2 107b 9.6c 24.6ab 143.5ab 84.3b 23.8b 4559b
T3 108ab 10.0b 23.9b 142.0bc 85.3a 23.5b 4197c
T4 108ab 10.5a 24.8a 144.9a 85.1a 24.6a 5251a
T5 109a 10.1b 23.4b 142.1bc 85.3a 23.4b 4168c
T6 109a 10.6a 25.0a 145.4a 85.3a 24.8a 5273a

Note: T1-CF0, T2-100% CF, T3-60% CM + 40% CF, T4-30% CM + 70% CF, T5-60% PM+ 40% CF, T6-30% PM + 70% CF, CF—chemical fertilizer, CM—cattle manure, PM—poultry manure, PH—plant height, PN—panicle number, PL—panicle length, SSP—spikelet number per panicle, FGP—filled grain percent, TGW—thousand-grain weight, GY—grain yield. Values followed by the same letters, within the column, are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.