Fundus Photographs, OCT, and Histology of NHP Eyes 3 Months after submacular Transplantation of hRPESC-RPE Grafts
(A–F) Five NHPs (A–E) received hRPESC-RPE monolayer transplantation without major surgical complications. (F) One implantation case of PET scaffold alone. Column (i): color fundus photographs showing white bullet-shaped implants subretinally at 3 months. Column (ii): FAF imaging at 3 months. White bullet shape indicates the final location of hRPESC-RPE implants; asterisk indicates the location at which the NHP RPE is surgically removed prior to the transplantation. Column (iii): OCT images were taken through the midline of the bullet-shaped implants as indicated by black lines in column (i). White triangles indicate the limit of the implants in the subretinal space. Single white arrow indicates the site of retinotomy (surgical incision) (B[iii], C[iii], and D[iii], where localized full-thickness retinal atrophy has occurred at 3 months). White rectangles indicate the ONL. White triangles indicate the limit of the RPE grafts. Column (iv): higher-magnification OCT image of the outer retina just above the implant. A hyperreflective band, continuous with the ellipsoid zone, is seen here as indicated by a white arrow. This hyperreflective band likely reflects the integration zone between transplanted RPE and endogenous photoreceptors. There was no evidence of epiretinal membrane formation in any of the cases.
(G) H&E staining indicating preserved retinal structure above area of hRPESC-RPE transplant.
(H) H&E staining indicating ONL thinning and outer segment (OS) lost above the area of PET alone. Scale bars, 200 μm in column (iii) and 100 μm in (G) and (H). INL, inner nuclear layer; IS, inner segment; RGC, retinal ganglion cell layer.
See also Figures S1 and S2.