Genome-wide BiFC screens identify numerous novel interactors of TORC1. (A) Scheme of BiFC screens for the TORC1 interactome. (B) Representative BiFC images of Kog1 interactors. DIC, direct interference contrast. Scale bars, 2 µm. (C) Venn diagram depicting the overlap among the interactors of Kog1, Tor1, and Tor2. (D) Examples of coIP assays for 130 Kog1 interactors. GFP-Kog1 was expressed under the HXK2 promoter, and Myc-tagged proteins were expressed under their native promoters. (E) The number of Kog1 interactors that were identified by BiFC screens and coIP assays. (F) Comparison of Kog1 interactors identified in this study with the known interactors of TORC1 listed in the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD). (G) GO analysis of 130 Kog1 interactors. GO analysis for biological process was performed using the PANTHER classification system. Lines indicate hierarchical relationships, and sizes of circles are proportional to the number of genes included in the GO terms. (H) Enrichment of P-body components in TORC1 interactors.