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. 2020 Nov 20;86(3):e71–e79. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002567


Participant Baseline Characteristics

Characteristic Clinician (N = 885) Nurse (N = 875) Total (N = 1760)
Age (mean, SD) 34.9 (9.14) 35.3 (9.88) 35.1 (9.51)
 Female 487 (55.0%) 479 (54.7%) 966 (54.9%)
 Male 398 (45.0%) 396 (45.3%) 794 (45.1%)
 None 67 (7.6%) 67 (7.7%) 134 (7.6%)
 Primary 491 (55.5%) 485 (55.4%) 976 (55.5%)
 Secondary or higher 327 (36.9%) 323 (36.9%) 650 (36.9%)
Marital status
 Single 126 (14.2%) 124 (14.2%) 250 (14.2%)
 Married/Cohabiting 498 (56.3%) 505 (57.7%) 1003 (57.0%)
 Divorced/Separated/Widowed 261 (29.5%) 246 (28.1%) 507 (28.8%)
 HIV disclosure at baseline (yes) 848 (95.8%) 846 (96.7%) 1694 (96.3%)
WHO staging
 Stage I or II 845 (95.5%) 841 (96.1%) 1686 (95.8%)
 Stage III or IV 40 (4.5%) 34 (3.9%) 74 (4.2%)
CD4 (cells/µL)
 Mean (SD) 322.0 (160.4) 304.0 (145.9) 314.1 (153.53)
 <100 99 (11.2%) 100 (11.4%) 199 (11.3%)
 101–249 177 (20.0%) 187 (21.4%) 364 (20.7%)
 250–349 173 (19.5%) 194 (22.2%) 367 (20.9%)
 350–499 403 (45.5%) 372 (42.5%) 775 (44.0%)
 >500 31 (3.5%) 19 (2.2%) 50 (2.8%)
 Missing* 2 (0.2%) 3 (0.3%) 5 (0.3%)
Karnofsky score
 Mean (SD) 96.6 (5.62) 95.1 (6.67) 95.9 (6.21)
 Below 90 33 (3.7%) 65 (7.4%) 98 (5.6%)
 90 and above 841 (95.0%) 807 (92.2%) 1648 (93.6%)
 Missing 11 (1.2%) 3 (0.3%) 14 (0.8%)
Baseline VL copies/mL
 Median 35,504 42,058 38,924
 Interquartile range 6180–110476 8930–142156 7428–131640
 Mean (SD) 137548.1 (376961.9) 165110.3 (424783.9) 151085.6 (401267.9)
 Undetected (<20) 23 (2.6%) 23 (2.6%) 46 (2.6%)
 21 to <1000 77 (8.7%) 60 (6.9%) 137 (7.8%)
 1000 to 99,999 471 (53.2%) 423 (48.3%) 894 (50.8%)
 >100,000 206 (23.3%) 244 (27.9%) 450 (25.6%)
 Missing 108 (12.2%) 125 (14.3%) 233 (13.2%)
Baseline VL log (base e) copies/mL
 Median (IQR) 10.5 (8.7–11.6) 10.7 (9.1–11.9) 10.6 (8.9–11.8)
 Mean (SD) 9.9 (2.59) 10.2 (2.50) 10.1 (2.55)

Five participants who were either breastfeeding, pregnant, or a seropositive partner in a serodiscordant couple did not have a baseline CD4 and were determined to be eligible for the study.

ARV, antiretroviral; ; IQR, interquartile range, VL, viral load.