Optically evoked EPSCs and EPSPs in ventral DG granule cells through stimulation of dorsal MC projections in the DG molecular layer. A, Single light pulse stimulation (5 ms) evoked EPSCs (gray) and their averages (thick red or black lines) in granule cells from mice with ChR2-eYFP unilaterally transfected dorsal MCs. B, EPSCs evoked in ventral granule cells by a 20-Hz train optical stimulation of the ChR2-eYFP-expressing dorsal MC axons. Recordings from ipsilateral (red) and contralateral (black) granule cells. Blue horizontal bars indicate the duration of the optical stimulation. C, EPSPs evoked by optical stimulation of the MC projections (MC) in the dentate molecular layer (green), electrical stimulation of the medial perforant path (PP) outside the hippocampal fissure (black), and simultaneous stimulation of the two pathways (MC and PP; blue). The red trace is the digital arithmetic sum of the green trace (evoked by MC) and black trace (evoked by PP). D, Bar graph showing the summary and statistics of all the evoked EPSPs and the arithmetic sum traces. The MC and PP evoked EPSPs are significantly larger than those evoked by PP stimulation only (p < 0.0001, paired Wilcoxon test).