Figure 2. Validation of DMHLepR neuronal targeting and evidence that activation of these neurons is required for leptin-induced anorexia.
(A) Left: Representative image showing extensive overlap of pSTAT3 expression in GFP:TeTx-expressing DMHLepR in mice sacrificed 90 min after leptin administration (i.p. 5 mg/kg). Right: Higher magnification view of the boxed region from the left. (B) Change in body weight (unpaired t-test, t=8.483, p=0.0001) following a 24 hr (ZT2–ZT2’) fast 5 weeks following viral microinjection and before food was returned in (C). (C) Post-fast (24 hr) refeeding following i.p. injection of saline or leptin (3 mg/kg). Two-way ANOVA: F(1,4)=47.33; p=0.0023 (controls, main effect of leptin). F(1,6)=0.1203; p=0.7405 (TeTx, main effect of leptin). v-, c-, and dDMH = ventral, central, and dorsal compartments of the DMH, respectively. Data are mean ± SEM. For repeated measures, post hoc, Sidak’s test at each time point is indicated on the graph. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.