Figure 8. Ia-2 and Dilp-6 induced ectopic neural stem cells originate from glia.
All samples were analysed at 120 hr AEL, after disappearance of abdominal developmental neuroblasts. (A and B) Overexpression of dilp-6 from glia (repoGAL4>UAS-dilp-6) induced Dpn expression in Repo+ neuropile glial cells (arrowheads). N = 10 ventral nerve cords (VNCs). (C and D) Overexpressed dilp-6 also induced Dpn in Wrp+ midline glia (arrowheads). N = 6 VNCs. (E and F) When dilp-6 was overexpressed, and all glia except midline glia were visualised with nuclear repoGAL4>Histone-YFP and midline glia with anti-Wrp, Dpn+ YFP−Wrp− cells were found, which therefore were not glia (white arrows; yellow arrowheads point to Dpn+Wrp+ cells). N = 6 VNCs. (G and H) G-TRACE expression in glia with repoGAL4 revealed with GFP cells that were originally glia or originated from a glial cell lineage, even if they switched off the glial repo promoter, and with RFP newly generated glial cells. Dpn colocalised in neuropile glia with both GFP and RFP, meaning that Dpn+ cells originated from glia, and at that point in time these cells still retained active the glial repo promoter. N = 8 VNCs. (A, C, E, and G) Horizontal and (B, D, F, and H) transverse views. For full genotypes and sample sizes, see Supplementary file 1.