Figure 2. Paradigms for experiments 1–3.
(A) Example trial for experiments 1 and 3. Each trial starts with a fixation cross, followed by the presentation of the stimulus (until choice is made or 2.5 s elapses), a brief highlight of the chosen option, and probabilistic feedback. Reward probabilities are summarized in (B). Percentages indicate the probabilities of receiving +100 points for a choice (with 0 otherwise). The actual symbols used differed between experiments and participants. In experiment 3, the acquisition phase lasted 61–68 trials (uniformly sampled each block), after which the reward contingencies for each stimulus set reversed. (C) Example trial for experiment 2, which added a cue prior to each trial (‘SPD’ or ‘ACC’), and had feedback contingent on both the choice and choice timing. In the SPD condition, RTs under 600 ms were considered in time, and too slow otherwise. In the ACC condition, choices were in time as long as they were made in the stimulus window of 1.5 s. Positive feedback ‘Outcome: +100’ and ‘Reward: +100’ were shown in green letters, negative feedback (‘Outcome: 0’, ‘Reward: 0’, and ‘Too slow!”) were shown in red letters.