Figure 3. Peroxisome and Pexophagosome Movement Along the Cytoskeleton in Yeast and Mammals.
In yeast (left panel), newly-divided peroxisomes containing Inp2, interacting with Pex19 (which is bound to Pex3), engage the Myo2 motor on actin filaments to move peroxisomes to the bud. During pexophagy, the phagophore membrane expands by the delivery of vesicles to the PAS (site of initiation of pexophagy) using the actin cytoskeleton. The resulting pexophagosome moves to the vacuole along the actin cytoskeleton using unknown receptors on the pexophagosome. In mammals (right panel), peroxisomes move using kinesin or dynein motors, in the anterograde (cell periphery) and retrograde (cell interior) directions, respectively. These motors engage with microtubules. Phagophore formation relies on the delivery of membrane vesicles from different sources to the omegasome (site of initiation of pexophagy), using the Myosin II motor moving along the actin cytoskeleton network. Pexophagy uses PEX5-dependent or -independent SARs on peroxisomes to engage selective autophagy adaptors (NBR1 or p62). The pexophagosome resulting from peroxisome engulfment by the phagophore membrane also uses kinesin and dynein motors moving along microtubules. Abbreviations: PAS, pre-autophagosomal structure; PMPs, peroxisomal membrane proteins; SARs, selective autophagy receptors.