A. Action potential recordings using in-vivo, in-vitro single cell, and ex-vivo human heart methods. Adapted from Narayan et al. 2008 [119]; Dobrev et al. 2001 [120]; Zhao et al 2017 [113].
B. In-vivo and ex-vivo CV measurements during pacing. Right: Ex-vivo optical mapping revealed endocardial (Endo) vs. epicardial (Epi) conduction blocks during fast atrial pacing. Adapted from Voskoboinik et al. 2019 [49]; Zhao et al 2017 [113]; Hansen et al. 2018 [77].
C. Left: In-vivo and ex-vivo APD restitution curves. Right: Panoramic ex-vivo APD map of the intact atria. Adapted from Franz et al. 1997 [117]; Zhao et al 2017 [113].
D. In-vivo and ex-vivo dominant frequency (DF) mapping during AF. Left: In-vivo endocardial and epicardial DF maps from electrode recordings in persistent AF patients. Right: Ex-vivo DF map during sustained AF showing stable regions of reentry in areas with high DF in human RA and LA. Adapted from Sanders et al. 2005 [129]; Schuessler et al. 2006 [128]; Zhao et al. 2015 [75]; Li et al., 2016 [57]. Abbreviations are as follows: AF – atrial fibrillation; APD – action potential duration; CV – conduction velocity; DF – dominant frequency; EG - electrogram; ECG – electrocardiogram; IAS – interatrial septum; IVC/SVC – inferior and superior vena cava; LA/RA – left and right atria; LIPV/LSPV/RIPV/RSPV – left, right, superior, inferior pulmonary veins; LRA – left right atria; MAP – monophasic action potential; NIOM – near-infrared optical imaging; OAP – optical action potential; PLA – posterior left atrium; SR – sinus rhythm.