Fig. 2. Pleiotropic risk variants from the 16 cancer-specific polygenic risk scores (PRS).
a Circos plot describing each previously unreported positive association between a known risk variant for one cancer type and another cancer phenotype. b Circos plot describing each previously unreported inverse association between a known risk variant for one cancer type and another cancer phenotype. Each line in a and b represents a significant association between a risk variant for the cancer from which the line originates (denoted by line color) and the cancer type to which the line connects. Odds ratios were estimated from logistic regression models, p values were calculated from two-sided Wald tests, and statistical significance (p < 0.05/798 = 6.3 × 10−5) was determined correcting for the number of effective independent tests. Cancers are organized by organ site. c Region enrichment for 141 significant previously unreported and known associations compared to all PRS variants.