Fig. 6. IS150-mediated recombination and transposition events in the ancestor and evolved clones from population Ara+1.
a Number of IS150 copies in genomes of the ancestor (Anc) and six evolved clones: 1158C (2000 generations), 9282B (20,000 generations), 10450 (30,000 generations), and 11008, 11009 and 11010 (40,000 generations). b Frequencies of IS150-mediated transposition (black) and recombination (white) events, measured using the reporter plasmid pFDX2339. c Proportion of transposition (black) and recombination (white) events, expressed relative to the total number of events (including both transposition and recombination). Error bars show the standard deviation based on three technical replicates for each of three biological replicates, except for the ancestor which had three technical replicates for each of five biological replicates and 1158C and 11009, which had three technical replicates for each of two biological replicates. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.