Massive expansion of hiPSC-CMs from various differentiation methods
(A) Schematic representation of Wnt-based directed cardiac differentiation and subsequent expansion of hiPSC-CMs generated by three different medium compositions ((B27; Lian, 2012; Heparin; Lin, 2017, and CDM3; Burridge, 2014). Timeline indicating B27-medium with insulin and additional CHIR99021 (CHIR) usage required for expansion. CM, CM culture medium; PM, CM purification medium; RM, CM replating medium; EM, CM expansion medium; SM, CM splitting medium; P, passage.
(B) Graph displaying the hiPSC-CM expansion capacity from hiPSC-CMs generated by the indicated differentiation method. One hiPSC line was used for these experiments. n = 7, n = 2, n = 2 respectively from P0 day 11 to P5. Data are represented as mean ± SD.
(C) Bright-field images at different time points of hiPSC-CM expansion with the input of the indicated differentiation methods. Scale bar, 200 μm.