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. 2020 Dec 9;11(2):e01987. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1987



(a) Parcellation pipeline. A GLM was used to find a cluster in the ventral striatum using the contrast reward > punish. The reward parameter estimates and the punish parameter estimates for each voxel in the cluster were taken to a k‐means clustering algorithm. The k‐means algorithm identified separate parcels that were used as seeds in a resting‐state functional connectivity analysis. (b) ANOVA pipeline. Seed ROIs (VSs and VSi) from Di Martino et al., 2008 were used to find the maximum functional connectivity between VSi and the hippocampus. The maximum connectivity was used to define a ROI in the hippocampus (HC ROI). Parameter estimates from the two contrasts (reward > punish and 2‐back > 0back) were extracted from each ROI. The parameter estimates were then taken to a task x ROI ANOVA