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. 2021 Feb 14;7(1):e12139. doi: 10.1002/trc2.12139


Instrumental variable analyses of exenatide use

Specification Probit 2SRI (logit outcome)
Constant –0.848*** (–1.112–0.583) 0.239*** (0.141–0.405)
# of 30‐day claims 0.0320 (‐0.0404–0.104) 1.052 (0.904‐1.223)
Age 70–74 0.168*** (0.147–0.190) 1.428*** (1.363–1.496)
Age 75–79 0.390*** (0.368–0.413) 2.224*** (2.116–2.337)
Age 80–84 0.582*** (0.557–0.608) 3.199*** (3.030–3.377)
Age 85 and above 0.680*** (0.651–0.709) 3.812*** (3.585–4.052)
Male –0.0567*** (–0.0779–0.0355) 0.881*** (0.842–0.921)
Race, Black 0.124*** (0.0994–0.148) 1.273*** (1.213–1.336)
Race, Asian –0.102*** (–0.138–0.0653) 0.818*** (0.760–0.880)
Race, Hispanic 0.0904*** (0.0651–0.116) 1.189*** (1.131–1.250)
Race, other –0.0596** (–0.115–0.00394) 0.879** (0.784–0.985)
Dual eligible/received LIS 0.153*** (0.138–0.169) 1.350*** (1.309–1.392)
Social economic status (zip level):
Median household income (log) –0.105*** (‐0.129–0.0814) 0.816*** (0.778–0.855)
High school graduates (%) ‐=0.215*** (‐0.288–0.142) 0.662*** (0.572–0.766)
Foreign born (%) 0.142*** (0.0781–0.207) 1.326*** (1.169–1.504)
Owner occupied housing (%) 0.109*** (0.0543–0.164) 1.230*** (1.103–1.373)
Incidence year of diabetes
2003 0.00449 (–0.0156–0.0246) 1.006 (0.967–1.048)
2004 –0.0207* (–0.0417–0.000398) 0.961* (0.921–1.002)
2005 –0.0364*** (–0.0578–0.0150) 0.926*** (0.886–0.967)
2006 –0.0533*** (–0.0761–0.0304) 0.900*** (0.859–0.942)
Acute myocardial infarction –0.0347** (–0.0635–0.00582) 0.934** (0.882–0.989)
Anemia 0.0792*** (0.0642–0.0943) 1.180*** (1.144–1.217)
Asthma –0.0264** (–0.0466–0.00609) 0.948*** (0.910–0.987)
Atrial fibrillation –0.0160* (–0.0350–0.00299) 0.967* (0.932–1.005)
Benign prostate hyperplasia 0.0293** (0.00552–0.0532) 1.067*** (1.015–1.122)
Cancer, breast –0.0426*** (–0.0698–0.0154) 0.918*** (0.869–0.969)
Cancer, colorectal –0.0193 (–0.0535–0.0150) 0.964 (0.901–1.032)
Cancer, endometrial –0.0486 (–0.111–0.0142) 0.910 (0.803–1.032)
Cancer, lung –0.0179 (–0.0848–0.0490) 0.958 (0.838–1.096)
Cancer, prostate –0.00956 (–0.0418–0.0226) 0.988 (0.924–1.055)
Cataracts 0.00456 (–0.0118–0.0210) 1.008 (0.975–1.043)
Chronic kidney disease 0.0180** (0.00177–0.0343) 1.036** (1.003–1.071)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 0.0535*** (0.0375–0.0694) 1.111*** (1.076–1.147)
Congestive heart failure 0.0462*** (0.0303–0.0620) 1.095*** (1.061–1.131)
Depression 0.323*** (0.309–0.337) 1.872*** (1.821–1.926)
Glaucoma 0.00414 (–0.0102–0.0185) 1.007 (0.979–1.037)
Hip fracture 0.136*** (0.102–0.170) 1.270*** (1.192–1.353)
Hyperlipidemia –0.0521*** (–0.0760–0.0283) 0.898*** (0.857–0.942)
Hypertension 0.0435*** (0.0110–0.0759) 1.099*** (1.027–1.175)
Hypothyroidism 0.00541 (–0.0101–0.0209) 1.011 (0.980–1.042)
Ischemic heart disease 0.0537*** (0.0381–0.0694) 1.116*** (1.081–1.152)
Osteoporosis 0.0607*** (0.0449–0.0766) 1.122*** (1.087–1.158)
Rheumatoid arthritis 0.0476*** (0.0328–0.0624) 1.104*** (1.071–1.138)
Stroke/transient ischemic attack 0.221*** (0.205–0.237) 1.520*** (1.474–1.569)
Other drug use (%):
ACE inhibitors 0.00171 (–0.0126–0.0160) 1.004 (0.976–1.033)
ARBs –0.0477*** (–0.0642—0.0312) 0.909*** (0.879–0.939)
β2AR agonists –0.0249** (–0.0455—0.00425) 0.958** (0.919–0.998)
Beta blockers –0.0482*** (–0.0623—0.0341) 0.907*** (0.882–0.933)
Ca2+ channel blockers –0.0198*** (–0.0337–0.00589) 0.957*** (0.931–0.985)
DPP‐4 inhibitors –0.0300* (–0.0636–0.00364) 0.949 (0.885–1.017)
Insulin 0.0531*** (0.0352–0.0710) 1.112*** (1.073–1.153)
Loop siuretics –0.0266*** (–0.0434—0.00982) 0.945*** (0.913–0.978)
Metformin –0.0226*** (–0.0395—0.00559) 0.956*** (0.923–0.990)
Statins 0.00241 (–0.0120–0.0168) 1.006 (0.976–1.036)
Thiazide diuretics –0.0460*** (–0.0608–0.0312) 0.913*** (0.886–0.941)
Thiazolidinediones –0.0335*** (–0.0536–0.0135) 0.936*** (0.898–0.975)
Correlation between disturbances –0.0574 (–0.1542–0.0394)
First‐stage residual 0.928 (0.797–1.079)

Notes: The instrumental variable is a dichotomous variable for patient's primary prescriber prescribing exenatide to someone else. First‐stage F‐test for weak IV F(1, 338 127) = 711.2, P < .0001. Second‐stage t‐test on endogeneity (P = .245 in IV Probit and P = .330 in 2SRI) leads us to fail to reject the null hypothesis of exogeneity; for IV probit, reported correlation is transformed as inverse hyperbolic tangent. Statistical significance is defined at the *10% level, **5% level, and ***1% level.

Abbreviations: 2SRI, two‐stage residual inclusion; ACE, angiotensin‐converting‐enzyme; ARB, angiotensin‐receptor blockers; CI, confidence interval; IV, instrumental variable; LIS, low‐income subsidy; SD, standard deviation.