Trichome rescue assays (Crocker
et al,
2015) showing the influence of TCF‐binding sites on
E3N function. Picture show cuticle preparations of wild‐type and
svb‐mutant embryos, focusing on the ventral region of A6 segments.
svb mutants display strong reduction in the number of trichomes, remaining ones being highly abnormal. Consistent with its expression pattern,
E3N driving
svb cDNA (
E3N‐wt::svb) rescues formation of the anterior‐most trichome row (arrow). Knocking out TCF‐binding sites (
E3N‐TCF‐mt::svb) disrupts rescuing ability of the
E3N enhancer. The graph plots the number of trichomes in the anterior‐most row. Boxes extend from the 25
th to 75
th percentiles, whiskers from min to max, the horizontal line in each box is plotted at the median; data were collected from three independent replicates.
P values from one‐way ANOVA are ns > 0.5, **** < 0.0001. Scale bar is 15 µm.