Table 1. Strategic objectives and recommended policy actions of the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030.
objectives |
Policy actions (summary) |
Create active
societies |
1.1. Implement best practice communication campaigns (…) to heighten awareness (…) of (…) the multiple health
benefits of regular physical activity (…). |
1.2. Conduct national and community-based campaigns to enhance awareness (…) of (…) the social, economic, and
environmental co-benefits of physical activity (…). | |
1.3. Implement regular mass participation initiatives in public spaces (…). | |
1.4. Strengthen pre- and in-service training of professionals, within and outside the health sector (…). | |
Create active
environments |
2.1. Strengthen the integration of urban and transport planning policies (…). |
2.2. Improve the level of service provided by walking and cycling network infrastructure (…). | |
2.3. Accelerate implementation of policy actions to improve road safety (…). | |
2.4. Strengthen access to good-quality public and green open spaces (…). | |
2.5. Strengthen the policy, regulatory and design guidelines and frameworks (…) to promote (…) facilities (…) that are
designed to enable occupants and visitors with diverse abilities to be physically active in and around the buildings. | |
Create active
people |
3.1. Strengthen provision of good-quality physical education (…). |
3.2. Implement and strengthen systems of patient assessment and counselling on increasing physical activity (…). | |
3.3. Enhance provision of, and opportunities for, more physical activity programmes and promotion in parks and other
natural environments (…). | |
3.4. Enhance the provision of, and opportunities for, appropriately tailored programmes and services aimed at
increasing physical activity (…) in older adults (…). | |
3.5. Strengthen the development and implementation of programmes and services (…) to engage with (…) physical
activity in the least active groups (…). | |
3.6. Implement whole- of community initiatives (…). | |
Create active
systems |
4.1. Strengthen policy frameworks, leadership and governance systems (…) to support implementation of actions
aimed at increasing physical activity (…). |
4.2. Enhance data systems and capabilities (…). | |
4.3. Strengthen the national and institutional research and evaluation capacity and stimulate the application of digital
technologies and innovation (…). | |
4.4. Escalate advocacy efforts to increase awareness (…) of (…) joint action at the global, regional and national levels (…). | |
4.5. Strengthen financing mechanisms to secure sustained implementation of national and subnational action (…). |