Expression screening of the fusion protein His-Tag-Osu1. Whole-cell lysates were analyzed by reducing (A) 15% SDS-PAGE, for the screening of His-Tag-Osu1 expression, identifying the recombinant protein. 1) Molecular weight markers. 2. Non-induced cells. 3. Induced cells. 4. Soluble fraction. 5. Inclusion bodies lysates; and by (B) 15% Gel SDS-PAGE, for purification of inclusion bodies using a NiNTA column. 1. Molecular weight marker. 2. Inclusion bodies lysate. 3. Recirculating. 4. First wash with GdHCl 6M, Tris HCl pH 8, 50 mM. 5. Second wash with GdHCl 6 M, Imidazole 40 mM, Tris HCl pH 8, 50 mM. 6–8. Elutions with GdHCl 6M, Imidazole 400 mM, Tris HCl pH 8, 50 mM.