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. 2021 Feb 2;11:612848. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.612848

Table 3.

Studies focusing on T-follicular regulatory cells in human and solid-organ transplantation.

Reference Conditions Loc Definition Major findings Comments
Wallin EF et al, Blood (2014) (62) - 5 KTR ttt with rituximab
- 21 controls
Lymph node CD4+
- Tfr are present in LN of KTR
- Rituximab had no impact on Tfr cells
- Tfr cells reduce IgA production by B cells in vitro
Xu X et al, Immunol Invest (2016) (85) - 29 CAR
- 5 hyperacute rejection
- 12 acute allograft rejection
Kidney CXCR5+ FOXP3+ - Tfr were rarely present in kidney tertiary lymphoid structures Definition of CAR, acute rejection not clear
Chen W et al, Scientific reports (2017) (86) - 88 KTR with chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD) incl.40 with biopsy proven ABMR
- 30 controls
Blood CD4+
- ABMR: lower numbers of bTfr and kidney Tfr compared to non AMBR CAD+
- Tfr from ABMR display normal inhibitory function
- Sirolimus decrease ratio of Tfr
- Tfr inhibit B cell proliferation and differentiation in KTR
- Tfr regulation of B cell is dependent on CTLA4
No definition of CAD
Kidney CD4+
Yan L et al, BMC Immunology (2019) (79) - 34 CAD incl. 21 with biopsy (11 ABMR, 2 TCMR, 9 no rejection)
- 33 controls
Blood CD4+
- Decreased frequency of bTfr and increased bTfh : Tfr ratio in CAD group
- Increased serum CXCL13 and decreased serum TGF-β in CAD
- bTfh:bTfr independent risk factor for low GFR and CAD
CAD = eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 after 3 months post KT
Niu Q et al, Frontiers Immunol (2020) (61)
  • - 211 KTR 5-7 years after Tx, inc 24% with background of rejection

  • - 30 controls

Blood CD3+
- Decreased cTfr to cTfh in transplanted patient compared to controls
- No association between anti-HLA antibodies or DSA and cTfr ot Tfh

KTR, kidney transplant recipients; Tfr, T-follicular regulatory cell; cTfr, circulating Tfr; bTfr, blood Tfr; LN, lymph nodes; IgA, immunoglobulin A; GC, germinal centers; CAD, chronic allograft dysfunction; CAMR, chronic antibody mediated rejection; ABMR, antibody-mediated rejection; TCMR, T-cell mediated rejection; ttt, treated; CAR, chronic allograft rejection; Tx, transplantation; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; DSA, donor-specific antibodies.