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. 2020 Nov 18;124(4):686–696. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-01122-x

Table 2.

Comparison of advanced DL image analysis studies in digital pathology, comprising mutation prediction, prognostication and response prediction.

Reference Description Ext. validation Number of slides Number of patients Number of cohorts AUROC F score Accuracy Other metrics
Mutation detection
69 Prediction of ER status in breast cancer No 859 859 1 N/A N/A 84% Sensitivity = 88%; specificity = 76%
36 Prediction of SPOP mutation in prostate cancer Yes 365 N/A 2 0.86 (P = 0.0038) N/A N/A N/A
26 Prediction of different genes in lung cancer and ext. validation of EGFR mutation Yes 1975 N/A 3 0.68 N/A N/A N/A
37 Prediction of BRAF and NRAS in melanoma Yes 361 N/A 2 0.75 (BRAF); 0.77 (NRAS) N/A N/A N/A
70 TP53 mutation prediction No 27,815 N/A 28 0.8 (stomach) N/A N/A N/A
71 Detection of HPV in head and neck cancer; detection of EBV in gastric cancer Yes 1031 1031 4 0.7 (HPV); 0.81 (EBV) N/A N/A N/A
27 Prediction of microsatellite instability in colorectal, gastric and endometrial cancer Yes 2108 1952 5 0.84 (CRC) N/A N/A N/A
38 Pan-cancer prediction of gene expression No 10,514 8725 28 0.81 (MSI) N/A N/A N/A
72 Prediction of BAP1 expression in uveal melanoma Yes 47 47 2 N/A 0.93 92.8% Sensitivity = 92.1%; specificity = 91.1%
73 Prediction of tumour mutational burden in liver cancer No 368 350 1 0.95 N/A 94.86% N/A
74 Prediction of PD-L1 status in non-small- cell lung cancer patients No 130 130 N/A 0.8 (P < 0.01) N/A N/A N/A
Therapy-response prediction
51 Prediction of response to ipilimumab in melanoma patients No 31 31 1 N/A N/A 70.9% N/A
52 Prediction of probability that tissue from non-small-cell lung cancer will respond to immunotherapy No 56 56 2 0.65 N/A N/A N/A
Survival prediction
C score Hazard ratio
48 Prediction of 5-year disease-specific survival in patients with colorectal cancer No 420 420 1 N/A 2.3 AUROC = 0.96
75 Consensus molecular subtyping of colorectal cancer and predication of overall survival No 769 N/A 2 0.8 N/A N/A
45 Prediction of survival in colorectal cancer Yes 1382 N/A 3 N/A 1.63 (1.14–2.33, P = 0.008) N/A
47 Prediction of survival for patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma No 246 246 2 N/A 0.86 N/A
76 Classification of patients to high risk or low risk in order to predict overall survival No 1299 1299 2 N/A 1.74 (1.16–2.61, P = 0.006) AUROC = 0.58
77 Stratification of patients into groups of short- and long-term survival by means of tumour- infiltrating lymphocytes No 70 70 1 0.87 N/A N/A
46 Prediction of survival in mesothelioma and identification of histological correlates Yes 3037 3037 2 0.66 N/A N/A
49 Prediction of development of metastatic recurrence in primary melanoma patients Yes 263 263 5 N/A N/A AUROC = 0.91
78 Stratification of patients with colorectal cancer to good, uncertain or poor prognosis Yes 4515 3595 4 N/A 3.83 Accuracy = 76%; sensitivity = 52%; specificity = 78%; PPV = 0.19; NPV = 0.94
79 Classification of patients with brain cancer in four groups based on survival time after diagnosis Yes 664 454 2 N/A N/A AUROC = 0.96; accuracy = 80%
80 Prediction of overall survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma Yes 732 522 2 0.7 4.3 N/A
81 Prediction of disease-specific survival in ten different cancer types No 12,095 4880 10 61.1 (57.2, 65.1) 1.48 (P < 0.0001) AUROC = 0.64 (58,70.3); 5-year disease- specific survival

N/A not available.

For each study, the level of evidence (presence of external validation), the number (#) of tissue slides, patients and patient cohorts as well as quantitative performance metrics are given, including area under the receiver-operating curve, AUROC; F score; accuracy; positive predictive value, PPV; negative predictive value, NPV; true-positive rate, TPR; false-positive rate, FPR; false-negative rate, FNR; other metrics (sensitivity, specificity and others) if reported in the study. This table is related to Fig. 2b.