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. 2021 Feb 2;10:619085. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.619085

Table 1.

Summary of placebo controlled, randomized studies of maintenance therapy in AML.

Trial Reference Number Number of patients entering maintenance randomization Age (Range) Maintenance treatment regimen Follow up Disease/Relapse/Leukemia Free Survival (DFS/RFS/LFS) Overall Survival (OS)
UK NCRI AML16 (46) 530 53–84 Azacitidine vs placebo 50.4 months Not reported No significant difference in OS
HOVON97 (47) 116 60–81 Azacitidine vs placebo 41.4 months Median DFS 15.9 months in azacitidine arm vs 10.3 months in placebo arm No significant difference in OS
QUAZAR AML-001 (21) 472 55–86 CC-486 (oral azacitidine) vs placebo 41.2 months Median RFS 10.2 months in CC-486 arm vs 4.8 months in placebo arm (p = 0.0001) Median OS 24.7 months in CC-486 arm vs 14.8 months in placebo arm (p = 0.0009)
ECOG-ACRIN E2906 (48) 120 60–85 Decitabine vs placebo 49.8 months No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (26) 74 7–65 Ara-C-thioguanine alternating with Ara-C-predinsone-vincristine vs placebo 44 months No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
German AML Cooperative Group (30) 145 15–78 Ara-C-daunorubicin alternating with Ara-C–thioguanine and Ara-C-cyclophosphamide vs placebo 2.5 years Median RFS 13 months in maintenance arm vs 8 months in the nonmaintenance arm (p = 0.003) Not Reported
SW Leukemia Group (31) 32 18–74 Thioguanine and etoposide alternating with CCNU vs placebo Not Reported No significant difference in DFS Not Reported
EORTC HOVON (28) 147 60–88 Low dose Ara-C vs placebo 6 years Median DFS 51 weeks in Ara-C arm vs 29 weeks in no-Ara-C arm (p = 0.006) No significant difference in OS
Finnish Leukemia Group (27) 108 16–59 Ara-C-thioguanine vs human leukocyte IFN vs placebo 82 months No significant difference in DFS between any of the three arms No significant difference in OS between any of the three arms
Group LAME (32) 70 <20 (range not reported) Oral mercaptopurine and monthly pulses of subcutaneous cytarabine vs placebo Not Reported No significant difference in DFS OS inferior in maintenance arm (p=0.04)
Manchester Royal Infirmary (51) 41 Adult patients (median or range not reported) BCG and irradiated allogeneic myeloblasts vs placebo Not Reported Median RFS 35.14 weeks in maintenance arm vs 19.71 weeks in no maintenance arm (p = 0.039) Median OS 96.14 weeks in maintenance arm vs 53 weeks in no maintenance arm 9p = 0.045)
Finnish Leukemia Group (27) 108 16–59 Ara-C-thioguanine vs human leukocyte IFN vs placebo 82 months No difference in DFS between any of the three arms No significant difference in OS between any of the three arms
UK MRC AML11 (69) 362 44–75  IFN-α vs placebo Not Reported No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
CALGB 9720 (57) 163 60–83 IL-2 vs placebo Not Reported No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
AML-12 (60) 550 15–60 IL-2 vs placebo 3.6 years No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
ALFA-9801 (59) 161 50–70 IL-2 vs placebo 49 months No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
ELAM02 (61) 154 <18 (range not reported) IL-2 vs placebo 49 months No significant difference in DFS No significant difference in OS
Brune et al. (68) 160 18–84 Histamine dihydrochloride plus IL-2 vs placebo 47 months 36 month LFS of 34% in HDC/IL-2 arm vs 24% in placebo arm (p = 0.01) No significant difference in OS