Figure 6. Association of Frontal Tau-PET Uptake With Executive Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease (AD).
(A) Left: Statistically significant relationships between executive function composite z score and [18F]MK6240 SUVR after multiple comparisons correction with random field theory at p < 0.001. Significant clusters were used to extract tau-PET (SUVR) values. Right: Scatterplots display associations between frontal cortical [18F]MK6240 SUVR and executive function composite score (β estimate: −0.65, standard error: 0.19). (B) Left: Statistically significant relationships between memory composite z score and [18F]MK6240 SUVR after multiple comparisons correction with random field theory at p < 0.001 (β estimate: −0.33, standard error: 0.11). Significant clusters were used to extract tau-PET SUVR values. Right: Scatterplots display associations between [18F]MK6240 SUVR and memory composite z score. Density plots are provided along the x and y axes to visualize the distribution of [18F]MK6240 SUVRs and cognitive function composite z scores, respectively. Age and sex were employed as covariates in each analysis.