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. 2021 Feb 2;12:606537. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.606537


Characterization of LUAD tumors with an identifiable TP53 c.1010G>A pathogenic variant.

Identifier Gender Age at LUAD diagnosis (years) Histological subtype Somatic EGFR mutation TP53 c.1010G>A zygosity WT*/TP53 c.1010G>A allele frequency (coverage) Percentage of tumor cells in the sample
1 Male 57 NA p.(Leu858Arg) Heterozygous 0.52/0.48 (2,400x) 40%
2 Male 65 Lepidic p.(Ser768_Asp770dup) Heterozygous 0.37/0.63 (2,259x) 30%
3 Female 55 NA p.(Leu858Arg) Heterozygous 0.24/0.76 (4,000x) 60%
4 Female 60 Lepidic None Heterozygous 0.42/0.58 (1,802x) 40%
5 Female 74 NA p.(Leu858Arg) Heterozygous 0.42/0.58 (1,835x) 70%
6 Female 54 Lepidic Inconclusive§ Heterozygous NP 5%
7 Female 62 Acinar Inconclusive Heterozygous NP 40%

* WT, wild-type allele; NA, not available; NP, not performed; § Inconclusive status due to technical limitations, such as availability of a low concentration of DNA extracted from the tumor tissue, and/or poor quality/purity of the tumor DNA, leading to inadequate results (low coverage) in the NGS analysis.