Table 1.
Comparison of the basic characteristics of OAI to several well-known cohorts
Number | 4796 | 6814 | 15792 | 5888 |
Started | 2002 | 2000 | 1987 | 1989 |
Length of Follow-up | 108 months | Ongoing with the 6th Exam (2016–2018) | Ongoing | Ongoing (Most recent available follow-up data through June 30th, 2015) |
Age range | 45–79 | 45–84 | 45–64 | ≥65 |
Male | 41.5% | 47.2% | 44.8% | 42.4% |
Race | 79% White or Caucasian; 18% Black or African American | 39% White; 22% Hispanic; 28% African American; 12% Chinese-American | 73% White and 27% Non-White | 16% African American |
OAI: Osteoarthritis Initiative; MESA: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; ARIC: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study; CHS: Cardiovascular Health Study.