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. 2021 Feb 16;16(2):e0247004. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247004

Table 1. Sociodemographic, behavioral, physical and clinical factors sorted according to low HDL-c status.

Characteristic N Low HDL-c p-value
Yes, n = 238 (40%) No, n = 356 (60%)
Sociodemographic, behavioral and physical
Age category (years), % 597 <0.001
    18–24 (young adult) 63 37
    ≥25 (adult) 38 62
Sex, Female vs. male % 597 46 vs. 30 54 vs. 70 <0.001
Current smokers, yes vs. no (%) 596 30 vs. 41 70 vs. 59 0.333
Currently married, yes vs. no (%) 35 vs. 46 65 vs. 54 0.005
Education level (%) 597
    No formal 40 60 0.142
    Primary 34 66
    Secondary 44 56
    Tertiary 37 63
Work status (%) 596 <0.001
    Formal employment 38 62
    Self-employed 38 62
    Student 79 21
    Retired 22 78
    Unemployed 45 55
Living alone, yes vs. no (%) 596 35 vs. 40 65 vs. 60 0.587
Income above K1,500, yes vs. no (%) 595 36 vs. 43 64 vs. 57 0.083
Physical exercise, yes vs. no (%) 592 43 vs. 39 61 vs. 57 0.377
Clinical characteristic
BMI category (kg/m2) (%) 0.110
    Underweight 36 64
    Normal weight 37 63
    Overweight 47 53
    Obese 49 51
CD4 absolute count (cells/μl), % 565 0.375
    < 500 37 63
    ≥ 500 41 59
Viral load (copies/μl), % 592 0.021
    < 1000 38 62
    ≥ 1000 50 50
Duration on Current ART, months % 595 <0.001
    ≤ 12 53 47
    13–24 40 60
    ≥ 25 34 66
ART regimen, % 597 <0.001
    NNRTI (EFV&NVP) 33 67
    PI (LPV/r&ATZ/r) 44 56
    INSTI (DTG) 59 41
Raised BP (mmHg), yes vs. no (%) 597 41 vs. 40 59 vs. 60 0.833
Raised FBG (mmol/l), yes vs. no (%) 447 47 vs. 37 53 vs. 63 0.106
Raised WC (cm), yes vs. no (%) 597 48 vs. 35 52 vs. 65 0.001
Raised TG (mmol/l), yes vs. no (%) 594 41 vs. 40 59 vs. 60 0.770
Raised LDL-c (mmol/l), yes vs. no (%) 568 26 vs. 41 74 vs. 59 0.031

N number of no-missing values, HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, BMI body mass index, CD4 cluster of differentiation 4, kg/m2 kilogram per meter squared, ART antiretroviral therapy, NNRTI non-nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (EFV = efavirenz and NVP = Nevirapine), PI Protease inhibitor (LPV/r = lopinavir/ritonavir and ATV/r = atazanavir/ritonavir), INSTI integrase strand transfer inhibitor (DTG = dolutegravir), BP blood pressure, FBG fasting blood glucose, WC waist circumference, TG triglycerides, TC total cholesterol, LDL-c low density lipoprotein cholesterol.