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. 2021 Feb 16;16(2):e0240770. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240770

Table 1. Maximum (Max) and minimum (Min) age calibrations (in millions of years ago, Mya) used for molecular dating analyses (with either uniform or log-normal prior distributions [U/L] on calibrated node ages interpreted from the fossil record).

Most recent common ancestor Max Distribution Min References for justification
Ferae 85 N, M = 75 65; split Canis / Manis (13 studies)
        (Canis, Cuon, Lycaon) 12 U/L, M = 1.5 6 [39]
        (Vulpes, Nyctereutes) 34 U/L, M = 6.25 9 [39]
    Ursidae 34 U/L, M = 5.75 11 [17,40,41]
        (Arctotherium, Tremarctos) 10 U/L, M = 5.75 3 [42]
        Ursus maritimus† from Svalbard (GU573488) 0.11 N, M = 0.12 0.13 [13]
    Pinnipedia 34 U/L, M = 3.75 19 [20,42,43]
        Otarioidea 23 U/L, M = 2.00 15 [20]
        Phocidae 23 U/L, M = 2.75 12 [20,44]
        (Guloninae … Mustelinae) 27.6 U/L, M = 2.825 16.3 [21,45]
        (Lutrinae, Ictonychinae) 27.6 U/L, M = 3.85 12.2 [18,45]
    Feloidea 34 U/L, M = 3.5 20 [46]
        Felidae 20 U/L, M = 1.5 14 [46]
            (Acinonyx, Puma) 14 U/L, M = 2.65 3.4 [46,47]
            (LeptailurusProfelis) 14 U/L, M = 2.5 4 [47]
                (Caracal, Profelis) 14 U/L, M = 2.5 4 [46]
            (Panthera, Neofelis) 14 U/L, M = 2.0125 5.95 [19]
            (Genettinae, Viverrinae) 34 U/L, M = 5.00 14 [47]
        (Herpestidae, Eupleridae) 34 U/L, M = 3.375 20.5 [47]
            (Helogale, Crossarchus) 20.5 U/L, M = 3.625 6 [47]
            (Galerella … Cynictis) 20.5 U/L, M = 3.275 7.4 [47]
            (Hyaena, Parahyaena) 9.5 U/L, M = 1.475 3.6 [47]

Abbreviations: L = Log Normal; M = Mean age; N = Normal; U = Uniform.