Figure 1. The force profile assay.
(a) Basic construct. Arrested (A) and full-length (FL) products are indicated. (b) At construct length N1, TMH2 has not yet entered the SecYEG channel and no pulling force F is generated. At N2, TMH2 is integrating into the membrane and F ≫0. At N3, TMH2 is already integrated and F ≈ 0. (c) SDS-PAGE gels showing A and FL products for [35S]-Met labeled and immunoprecipitated EmrE(Cout) (N = 105), GlpG (N = 196), and BtuC (N = 314). Control constructs AC and FLc have, respectively, a stop codon and an inactivating Ala codon replacing the last Pro codon in the arrest peptide (AP). The band just below the A band in the EmrE(Cout) (N = 105) lane most likely represents ribosomes stacked behind the AP-stalled ribosomes (Notari et al., 2018) and is not included in the calculation of fFL. See Figure 1—figure supplement 1 for additional gels.