How complete is the set of documents? What is missing?
Which documents were easy to find? Which were harder to find? Which proved impossible to find? Why might this be the case?
Which voices are represented in the overall body of documents? Which are not?
How do the documents compare in terms of content? How do they compare in terms of style, format, length and ‘look’? How about in terms of formality and tone?
What visual information can you find in the documents (charts and graphs, pictures, etc.)?
How are the same issues discussed in different ways across documents?
Do the documents ‘speak to each other’? Do they reference each other, or respond to each other’s arguments or propositions? Are they responding to other documents not included in the review?
How are documents similar or different across different topic areas, types of document or governance levels (e.g. global, national, sub-national)?
How does the information from documents compare to data from other data sources (e.g. interviews, focus groups, observation, quantitative analyses)?