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. 2020 Sep 17;30(2):455–464. doi: 10.1007/s11136-020-02632-0

Table 3.

Changes in health-related quality of life, patient functioning and disability scores during post-treatment period from Month 12 to Month 14 and Month 16

Baselinea Month 14b Month 16b
GMB 120 mg
N = 106
GMB 240 mg
N = 118
GMB 120 mg
N = 100
GMB 240 mg
N = 113
GMB 120 mg
N = 99
GMB 240 mg
N = 115
MSQv2.1 total
 Month 12 mean (SD) score 83.7 (18.9) 87.3 (15.5)
 LS mean change (SE)  − 7.1 (1.7)  − 8.4 (1.6)  − 8.1 (1.8)  − 9.6 (1.7)
 Diff vs 120 mg (SE)  − 1.3 (2.2)  − 1.6 (2.4)
 95% CI  − 5.7, 3.1  − 6.3, 3.2
 Month 12 mean (SD) score 80.6 (20.3) 84.7 (16.4)
 LS mean change (SE)  − 7.1 (1.8)  − 9.5 (1.7)  − 8.7 (1.9)  − 10.3 (1.7)
 Diff vs 120 mg (SE)  − 2.4 (2.4)  − 1.6 (2.5)
 95% CI  − 7.1, 2.3  − 6.5, 3.3
 Month 12 mean (SD) score 87.7 (16.7) 89.9 (14.8)
 LS Mean change (SE)  − 5.6 (1.6)  − 6.7 (1.5)  − 6.6 (1.7)  − 8.2 (1.6)
 Diff vs 120 mg (SE)  − 1.1 (2.2)  − 1.6 (2.3)
 95% CI  − 5.4, 3.2  − 6.1, 2.9
 Month 12 mean (SD) score 85.5 (22.0) 90.1 (17.3)
 LS mean change (SE)  − 9.1 (2.0)  − 7.8 (1.9)  − 8.4 (2.2)  − 9.9 (2.0)
 Diff vs 120 mg (SE) 1.4 (2.7)  − 1.5 (2.9)
 95% CI  − 3.9, 6.6  − 7.2, 4.2
MIDAS total
 Month 12 mean (SD) score 15.4 (31.6) 16.1 (32.5)
 LS Mean change (SE) 7.3 (3.8) 11.8 (3.4)
 Diff vs 120 mg (SE) 4.5 (4.8)
 95% CI  − 5.1, 14.0

Patients did not receive any study medication during this period

EF emotional function; GMB galcanezumab; MIDAS migraine disability assessment; MSQv2.1 migraine-specific quality of life questionnaire version 2.1; RF-P role function-preventive; RF-R role function-restrictive; SD standard deviation; SE standard error

aBaseline is the last visit of treatment phase (Month 12)

bAll p-values (within-group improvement) for MSQ total and domain scores < 0.001