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. 2021 Feb 15;8(1):e000563. doi: 10.1136/bmjgast-2020-000563

Table 1.

Overview of the included studies

Definition based on time (n=51)
 Studies of side effects related to long-term PPI use (n=29)
Author, year Country Setting Study design Aim Definition of long-term use Rationale
Haastrup et al, 20185 Denmark N/A Review Overview of side effects of long-term PPI use >2 weeks Earlier studies showing no important side effects if used ≤2 weeks
Revaiah et al, 201820 India Secondary sector Single-centre, cross-sectional Risk of small bacterial overgrowth in PPI users >3 months No
Torvinen-Kiiskinen et al, 201821 Finland Primary sector Case–control Risk of hip fractures among community-dwelling residents with Alzheimer’s ≥1 year No
Biyik et al, 201722 Turkey Outpatient gastroenterology clinic Cohort study Risk of hypomagnesaemia in PPI users ≥6 months No
Takahari et al, 201723 Japan Secondary sector Cross-sectional Frequency of gastric cobblestone-like lesions in PPI users undergoing endoscopy ≥6 months No
Lochhead et al, 201724 USA Nurses’ health study Cross-sectional Association between PPI use and cognitive function ≥2 years No
Kearns et al, 201725 UK Primary sector Case–control Association between PPI use and pancreatic cancer >2 years Avoiding reverse causation
Targownik et al, 201726 Canada General population Cross-sectional Association between PPI use and bone structure ≥5 years No
Bahtiri et al, 201727 Turkey General population Cohort Risk of hypomagnesaemia 12 months No
Huang et al, 201628 Taiwan General population Cohort Association between PPI use and risk of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis >180 days No
Takeda et al, 201529 Japan Outpatients Cross-sectional Prevalence of hypomagnesaemia >1 year No
Lundell et al, 201514 N/A Systematic review Systematic review Effects of PPI on serum gastrin levels and gastric histology >48 months FDA requesting 3-year safety data from manufacturers
Song et al, 201430 Cochrane review N/A Systematic review Risk of gastric pre-malignant lesions in PPI users ≥6 months No
Lewis et al, 201431 Australia General population Cohort PPIs and risk of falls and fractures in elderly women ≥1 year No
Helgadóttir, 201432 Iceland Secondary sector Cross-sectional Serum gastrin levels in PPI users ≥2 years No
Bektas et al, 201233 Turkey Secondary sector Cross-sectional ECL hyperplasia in PPI users ≥6 months No
Pregun et al, 201134 Hungary Secondary sector Cohort Effect of PPI on serum chromogranin-A and gastrin levels >6 months No
Sarzynski et al, 201135 USA Primary sector Retrospective cohort Association between PPI use and iron-deficiency anaemia >1 year No
Fujimoto and Hongo, 201136 Japan Multicentre Cohort Efficacy and safety of 104 weeks treatment with rabeprazole 104 weeks No
Lombardo et al, 201037 Italy Secondary sector Cohort Incidence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth among PPI users >2 months No
Yoshikawa et al, 200938 Japan Secondary sector Case–control Body mass index changes during PPI therapy in patients with GORD >10 months No
Ally et al, 200939 USA Outpatient clinic Retrospective Risk of fundic gastric polyps in PPI users >48 months No
Van Soest et al, 200840 The Netherlands General practice Case–control Risk of colorectal cancer among PPI users >365 days within 5 years No
Hashimoto et al, 200741 Japan Secondary sector Clinical trial PPI-induced tolerance to histamine-2-receptor antagonists >4 weeks No
Yang et al, 200742 UK General practice Case–control Risk of colorectal cancer among PPI users ≥5 years cumulative use The definition is argued to be able to demonstrate an accelerative effect on the transformation from adenomas to carcinomas
Robertson et al, 200743 Denmark Population based Case–control Risk of colorectal cancer among PPI users >7 years The definition is argued to be able to demonstrate an accelerative effect on the transformation from adenomas to carcinomas
Jalving et al, 200644 The Netherlands Secondary sector Cross-sectional Risk of fundic gastric polyps in PPI users ≥1 years No
Hritz et al, 200545 Hungary Secondary sector Clinical trial Effect of PPI on gastric cell proliferation 6 months No Austria Secondary sector Clinical trial Intestinal microbiota in PPI users ≥6 months No
Studies of treatment effects of long-term PPI use (n=13)
Kiso et al, 201746 Japan Outpatient clinic Cross-sectional Endoscopic findings in patients undergoing gastric screening >8 weeks No
Funaki et al, 201747 Japan Outpatient clinic Cross-sectional Efficacy of PPI in patients with NERD with and without irritable bowel syndrome >6 months ROME III criteria for functional disorders (duration >6 months)
Hatlebakk et al, 201648 Europe (several countries) Secondary sector RCT Comparing anti-reflux surgery with PPI treatment in patients with chronic GERD 5 years No
Yoon et al, 201449 South Korea HP-positive patients RCT Eradication rates with different durations of pretreatment with PPI ≥56 days No
Poh et al, 201117 USA Outpatient clinic RCT Comparing stimulus response functions to acid in users and non-users of PPI undergoing acute stress 8 weeks No
Labenz et al, 200950 Sweden Secondary sector RCT Predictors of symptom resolution in patients with GERD during maintenance PPI therapy >6 months Maintenance phase after healed oesophagitis
Sugano et al, 201351 Japan Outpatient clinic Clinical trial Gastroprotective effect of omeprazole 1 year No
Fujimoto and Hongo, 201052 Japan Secondary sector Cohort Relapse of GERD during long-term PPI therapy 104 weeks No
Kandil et al, 201015 Egypt Outpatient clinic Cohort Effect of exogenous melatonin in patients with GERD 4 and 8 weeks No
Mason et al, 200853 UK General practice RCT Effect of HP eradication in long-term users of PPI A repeat prescription for PPI begun at least 12 months ago Previous article by Hungin et al54
Raghunath et al, 200955 UK Primary care Cross-sectional Symptoms in patients on long-term PPI therapy A repeat prescription for PPI begun at least 12 months ago Previous article by Hungin et al54
Usai et al, 200816 Italy Secondary sector Cohort Recurrence of reflux symptoms in patients with coeliac disease with NERD >8 weeks No
Frazzoni et al, 200756 Italy Secondary sector Cohort Efficacy of long-term PPI on intraoesophageal acid suppression 2 years of continuous use No
Studies of deprescribing long-term PPI (n=6)
Pezeshkian and Conway, 201857 USA N/A Review Guidance on deprescribing PPI in older adults >12 weeks Approved duration of treatment
Boghossian et al, 201758 Cochrane review N/A Systematic review Effects of deprescribing PPI in adults ≥28 days No
Walsh et al, 201659 Canada General practice Cross-sectional Deprescribing ≥8 weeks Guideline recommending reassessment of PPIs after 8 weeks
Van der Velden et al, 201360 The Netherlands Primary care RCT Deprescribing ≥1 year No
Bjornsson et al, 200661 Sweden Secondary sector Clinical trial Discontinuation >8 weeks No
Krol et al, 200462 The Netherlands General practice RCT Discontinuation ≥12 weeks No
Pharmacoepidemiological studies of long-term PPI use (n=3)
Othman et al, 201663 UK General population Cohort Prevalence and pattern of PPI prescribing ≥1 year continuous use No
Lødrup et al, 201464 Denmark General population Survey Use of PPIs ≥120 days the past year No
Haroon et al, 201365 Ireland Secondary sector Survey Reasons for treatment 2 years No
Definition based on quantity of PPI (n=10)
Studies of side effects related to long-term PPI use (n=6)
Imfeld et al, 201866 UK General population Case–control Risk of dementia ≥100 prescriptions No
Shao et al, 201867 Taiwan General population Case–control Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma >28 DDDs No
Sieczkowska et al, 201868 Poland Outpatient clinic and general practice Cohort Risk of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth PPI for at least 75% of the time during the previous 3 months at a minimum dose of 20 mg per day No
Chien et al, 201669 Taiwan General population Case–control Risk of periampullar cancer >180 DDDs No
Clooney et al, 201670 Canada General population Cross-sectional Gut microbiome in long-term PPI users >180 tablets each year in a 5-year period No
Den Elzen et al, 200871 The Netherlands General population Cross-sectional Risk of vitamin B12 deficiency >810 DDDs in 3 years No
Studies of deprescribing long-term PPI (n=2)
Reimer and Bytzer, 201072 Denmark Primary care Cross-sectional Discontinuation in symptomatically treated patients 120 tablets of any PPI in the previous 12 months No USA Primary care Clinical trial Evaluation of a deprescribing programme 90-day prescription within 120 days No
Pharmacoepidemiological studies of long-term PPI use (n=2)
Wallerstedt et al, 20174 Sweden General population Cross-sectional Prevalence of PPI use among residents ≥65 years Filled prescriptions for PPI covering ≥75% of the year No
Haastrup et al, 20162 Denmark General population Cohort Predictors of incident long-term use among first-time users >60 DDDs within 6 months Definition used in other studies

DDDs, defined daily doses; ECL, enterochromaffin-like; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; GERD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; HP, Helicobacter pylori; N/A, not available; NERD, non-erosive reflux disease; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; RCT, randomised controlled trial.