Simulated binding and
unbinding paths of the agonists and the relative
position of the A1R mutants tested. (a) Two side views
of the A1R (white transparent ribbon); residues considered
for the mutations (Table 2) are shown as gray sticks. The cryo-EM bound adenosine (tan
stick) is reported as reference. (b–i) Left-hand panels, position
of the agonist centroid during simulations, colored according to the
interaction energy with A1R (white ribbon); residues mutated
(Table 2) are shown
as sticks and colored according to effect on the affinity (red, decreased
affinity; green, increased affinity; black, unaltered affinity). Right-hand
panels, A1R-agonist contacts plotted onto the protein surface
and colored according to the contacts occupancy. (b) Adenosine binding
simulations, (c) adenosine unbinding simulations, (d) CPA binding
simulations, (e) CPA unbinding simulations, (f) HOCPA binding simulations,
(g) HOCPA unbinding simulations, (h) BnOCPA binding simulations, (i)
BnOCPA unbinding simulations.