Table 1.
Included and analyzed publications in alphabetical order
[12] | Altevogt BM, Pankevich DE, Pope AM, Kahn JP. Guiding limited use of chimpanzees in research. Science. 2012;335:41–2 |
[13] | Bailey J. An examination of chimpanzee use in human cancer research. Altern Lab Anim. 2009;37:399–416 |
[14] | Bailey J. Biomedical research involving chimpanzees. Altern Lab Anim. 2011;39:413–4 |
[15] | Bailey J. Lessons from chimpanzee-based research on human disease: the implications of genetic differences. Altern Lab Anim. 2011;39:527–40 |
[2] | Balls M. Chimpanzee medical experiments: Moral, legal and scientific concerns. Altern Lab Anim. 1995;23:607–14 |
[16] | Balls M. Primates in medical research: The plot thickens. Altern Lab Anim. 2006;34:271–2 |
[17] | Balls M. Time for real action on chimpanzees and other hominids. Altern Lab Anim. 2007;35:191–5 |
[18] | Beauchamp TL, Ferdowsian HR, Gluck JP. Where are we in the justification of research involving chimpanzees? Kennedy Inst Ethics J. 2012;22(3):211–42 |
[19] | Beauchamp TL, Wobber V. Autonomy in chimpanzees. Theor Med Bioeth. 2014;35:117–32 |
[20] | Bennett AJ. New era for chimpanzee research: Broad implications of chimpanzee research decisions. Dev Psychobiol. 2015; 10.1002/dev.21294 |
[21] | Bennett AJ, Panicker S. Broader impacts: International implications and integrative ethical consideration of policy decisions about US chimpanzee research. Am J Primatol. 2016; 10.1002/ajp.22582 |
[22] | Bloomsmith MA, Schapiro SJ, Strobert EA. Preparing chimpanzees for laboratory research. ILAR J. 2006; 47(4):316–25 |
[23] | Bradshaw GA, Capaldo T, Lindner L, Grow G. Building an inner sanctuary: Complex PTSD in chimpanzees. J Trauma Dissociation. 2008;9:8–34 |
[24] | Capaldo T, Peppercorn M. A review of autopsy reports on chimpanzees in or from US laboratories. Altern Lab Anim. 2012;40:259–69 |
[25] | Cavalieri P. Ethics, animals and the nonhuman great apes. J Biosci. 2006;31(5):509–12 |
[3] | Cavalieri P, Singer P. The great ape project: Premises and implications. Altern Lab Anim. 1995;23:626–31 |
[26] | Conlee KM. Chimpanzees in research and testing worldwide: Overview, oversight, and applicable laws. AATEX 14 (Special Issue). 207;14:111–18 |
[27] | Conlee KM, Hoffeld EH, Stephens ML. A demographic analysis of primate research in the United States. Altern Lab Anim. 2004;32 Suppl 1:315–22 |
[28] | de Waal FB. Research chimpanzees may get a break. PLoS Biol. 2012;10(3):1–4 |
[29] | DeGrazia D. Human-animal chimeras: Human dignity, moral status, and species prejudice. Metaphilosophy. 2007;38:309–29; |
[30] | DeGrazia D. Nonhuman primates, human need, and ethical constraints. Hastings Cent Rep. 2016;46(4):27–28; |
[31] | Eichberg JW, Speck JT. Establishment of a chimpanzee retirement fund: Maintenance after experimentation. J. of Med. Primatol. 1988;17:71–6 |
[32] | Fenton A. Can a chimp say "no"? Reenvisioning chimpanzee dissent in harmful research. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2014;23:130–9 |
[33] | Fenton A. On the need to redress an inadequacy in animal welfare science: Toward an internally coherent framework. Biol Philos. 2012;27:73–93; |
[34] | Fultz PN. Nonhuman primate models for AIDS. Clin Infect Dis. 1993;17 Suppl 1:S230–35 |
[35] | Gagneux P, Moore JJ, Varki A. The ethics of research on great apes. Nature. 2005;437:27–9 |
[36] | Goodall J. Ending research on non-human primates. ALTEX. 2005;22:14–8 |
[37] | Goodall J. Why is it unethical to use chimpanzees in the laboratory. Altern Lab Anim. 1995;23:615–20 |
[38] | Great ape debate. Nature. 2011;474:252; |
[39] | Gruen L. The end of chimpanzee research. Hastings Cent Rep. 2016; |
[40] | Jacobs L. The use and the care of the chimpanzee. Bull Natl Soc Med Res. 1982;33(2):1–2 |
[41] | Johnson K. The misuse of chimpanzees in biomedical experiments. Altern Lab Anim. 1995;23:648–51 |
[42] | Johnson J, Barnard ND. Chimpanzees as vulnerable subjects in research. Theor Med Bioeth. 2014;35:133–141; |
[43] | Jones RC, Greek R. A review of the Institute of Medicine's analysis of using chimpanzees in biomedical research. Sci Eng Ethics. 2014;20:481–504; |
[44] | Kahn J. Lessons learned: Challenges in applying current constraints on research on chimpanzees to other animals. Theor Med Bioeth. 2014;35:97–114; |
[45] | Kantin H, Wendler D. Is there a role for assent or dissent in animal research? Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2015;24:459–72; |
[46] | Knight A. Assessing the necessity of chimpanzee experimentation. ALTEX. 2012;29:93–2 |
[47] | Knight A. The beginning of the end for chimpanzee experiments? Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2008; 10.1186/1747-5341-3-16 |
[48] | Knight A. The poor contribution of chimpanzee experiments to biomedical progress. J Appl Anim Welf Sci. 2007;10(4):281–308 |
[49] | Kraska, K. Are we justified in conducting invasive research on captive apes for their wild counterparts? Soc Anim. 2018;26:598–615 |
[50] | LaManna JC. Animal models: Ads against chimp research criticized. Nature. 2012;483:275 |
[51] | Lanford RE, Walker CM, Lemon SM. The chimpanzee model of viral hepatitis: Advances in understanding the immune response and treatment of viral hepatitis. ILAR J. 2017;58(2):172–89 |
[52] | Latzman RD, Hopkins WD. Letter to the editor: Avoiding a lost opportunity for psychological medicine: importance of chimpanzee research to the National Institutes of Health portfolio. Psychol Med. 2016;46:2445–7 |
[53] | Lopresti-Goodman SM, Bezner J, Ritter C. Psychological distress in chimpanzees rescued from laboratories. J Trauma Dissociation. 2015;16(4):349–66; |
[54] | McKellips P. The slippery slopes with Tommy, Kiko, Hercules, Leo and Duke. Lab Anim (NY). 2014;43(2):69 |
[55] | Participants, Primate Workshop 1987, Washington DC. Recommendations to USDA on improving conditions of psychological well-being for captive chimpanzees. Altern Lab Anim. 1988;15:255–60 |
[56] | Prince AM. Is the conduct of medical research on chimpanzees compatible with their rights as a near-human species? Between Species. 1993 |
[57] | Prince AM, Allan J, Andrus L, Brotman B, Eichber J, Fouts R, et al. Virulent HIV strains, chimpanzees, and trial vaccines. Science. 1999;283(5405):1117 |
[58] | Prince AM, Brotman B, Garnham B, Hannah AC. Enrichment, rehabilitation, and release of chimpanzees used in biomedical research: procedures used at Vilab II, the New York Blood Center's Laboratory in Liberia, West Africa. Lab Animal. 1990;19:29–37 |
[59] | Prince AM, Goodall J, Brotman B, Dienske H, Schellekens H, Eichberg JW. Appropriate conditions for maintenance of chimpanzees in studies with blood-borne viruses: An epidemiologic and psychosocial perspective. J. Med. Primatol. 1989;18:27–42 |
[60] | Reynolds V. Moral issues in relation to chimpanzees in gield studies and experiments. Altern Lab Anim. 1995; |
[61] | Rowan AN. The uncertain future of research chimpanzees. Science. 2007;315:1493 |
[62] | Rowan A, Conlee K, Bettauer R. End invasive chimp research now. Nature. 2011;475:296 |
[63] | Taylor R. A step at a time: New Zealand's progress toward hominid rights. Animal Law. 2001;7(35):35–43 |
[64] | Thew M, Bailey J, Balls M, Hudson M. The ban on the use of chimpanzees in biomedical research and testing in the UK should be made permanent and legally binding. Altern Lab Anim. 2012;40:3–8 |
[65] | Van Akker R, Balls M, Eichberg JW, Goodall J, Heeney JL, Osterhaus A, et al. Chimpanzees in AIDS research – a biomedical and bioethical perspective. J. Med. Primatol. 1994;23:49–51 |
[66] | VandeBerg JL. Reclassification of captive chimpanzees as endangered would cost lives. Journal of Medical Primatology. 2013;42:225–8; |
[67] | VandeBerg S. A unique biomedical resource at risk. Nature. 2005;437:30–2 |
[68] | Varki A. Fate of 'retired' research chimps. Nature. 2010;467:1047 |
[69] | Wise SM. The entitlement of chimpanzees to the common law writs of habeas corpus and de homine replegiando. Golden Gate University Law Review. 2007;37(2):219–80 |