Patchwork-type spontaneous activity in GluN1KO L4 neurons. A, Confocal image of a representative tangential section from a Supernova GCaMP6s-transfected TCA-RFP; Grin1floxed/floxed mouse at P6. B, In vivo calcium imaging was performed at the same region as in A. C, ROIs are indicated on the cell bodies of neurons imaged in B. D, Changes in fluorescence signals in the ROIs indicated in C. E, Correlation matrix calculated from the fluorescence signals of all ROI pairs in C. F, Correlation values of ROI pairs from the GluN1KO neurons within the same barrel were higher than in different barrels (p < 0.001). G, Distribution of correlation values for cell pairs from the same barrel and from different barrels with respect to distance. H, Comparison of correlation values between ROI pairs from the same barrel and those from different barrels in GluN1KO cell pairs (total: p < 0.001; 0–200 µm: p < 0.001). Error bars indicate SE.