Figure 6. High-resolution cryoEM defines broadly reactive epitopes of H5N1 vaccine-elicited pAbs.
(A) CryoEM-mapped epitopes targeted by pAbs from subject 4 at day 28. RBS epitope, red; lateral patch epitope, yellow; vestigial esterase epitope, pink; VH1–69 epitope, blue.
(B) Each epitope specificity marked together on a single trimer.
(C and D) CryoEM map of stem immune complex from subject 4 at day 28 with ribbon diagrams for H5 HA (A/Indonesia/5/2005, gray; PDB: 4K62) and mAb 1C01 from subject 4 day 7 docked into the EM density. Full-length side view (C) and zoomed in view of the epitope-paratope interaction (D). VH, blue; VL, green; CDRH2, dark blue; CDRH3, purple; HA residues H18 and W21, red.
See also Figure S6.