Figure 3.
Association between risk of events and LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) polygenic score percentile among individuals with familial hypercholesterolemia. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular events included myocardial infarction, cardiovascular or carotid revascularization, and stroke. A, A fixed-effect meta-analyses of the β coefficients (ln[hazard ratio (HR)]) and SE obtained from Cox-proportional hazard models for risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events is shown for an LDL-C polygenic score ≥80th percentile score relative to and LDL-C polygenic score <80th percentile score. These Cox-proportional hazard models were adjusted for sex and used age as the time-to-event time scale. The studies included in the meta-analysis were the British Columbia Familial Hypercholesterolemia (BCFH), Nutrition, Metabolism and Atherosclerosis Clinic (CNMA), and UK Biobank cohorts. B, The time-to-atherosclerotic cardiovascular event curves are shown for the combined cohorts stratified by LDL-C polygenic score percentile above and below the 80th percentile. C, Sex-adjusted Cox-proportional hazard models are shown for the combined cohorts stratified by quintiles of LDL-C polygenic score percentile. ASCVD indicates atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.