Figure 5.
Characteristic features of UV induced mutation are observed only in patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Whole genome sequencing data from the UK 100,000 genomes project comparing representative cutaneous and nodal T-cell lymphoma patients. The highlighted track on the circos plots is a rainfall diagram of SNVs where distance from the centre is proportional to the logarithm of the distance between adjacent SNVs. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patients have a characteristic inner ring of C>T variants due to CC>TT substitutions, which are also clear in the light green bar on the dinucleotide variants plot. Single nucleotide variants occurring within gene bodies were assessed to determine whether they affect the transcriptional or non-transcriptional strand. Significant transcriptional strand bias was observed for C>T mutations in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma but not nodal T-cell lymphoma indicating transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, a feature of UV induced mutation.